Show H j A 11 BASIN IN CORRE DE nr r Z 4 1 1 4 I 4 r 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 Many lany people attended the he morning mornIng morn morn- ing lug and C evening services held at the the Episcopal church Sunday Rev M It M. M Fryer of oC Roosevelt was hero here Inthe in inthe Inthe the morning and Father Grant of pC In the evening Several people from this community community attended the convention at aL 7 1 Roosevelt Ro Saturday i t Mrs I. I L. L Wilson fell and broke her hor leg between th the ankle and knee e Sh was taken to the home or her herson herson son C. C Reuben Wilson near where medical aid was given to her oJ oJ of or to to u nI w 4 4 4 4 4 01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 oJ 4 Harold Carter is building a cis cis- cis tern tern He expects to cut out winter water haul hauling ng Mutual l conference was held last Sunday A nile fine program am was lende len len- de dered red The The outs outside ide visit visitors rs were vere Mr Billings and nd Hair Hall of Duchesne Nielsen n and Deal of Antelope Mr 2 and Mrs l Madsen from Boneta Doneta and Mr 11 Evans from Upalco rord Word comes conies from Park City that Mrs John Smith is al almost ost well She is taking treatment from Crom a Chinese doctor v I T 1 i of i i tJ j- j 4 ot 4 4 Mrs l Al AI vie lyle r returned turned from Heber Hebr r City last where she slie has been v visiting her daughter j t Mr lr and Mrs Whistler and son 4 Frank Frank- have returned from Cedarview Cedarview Cedar Cedar- view where have they been visiting t. t her hel McCarty daughter Mrs lS They expect ct to leave leav for Park City in about about 4 a week yeek l Mr r and Mrs Fr Frank Frink Clayburn urn l have ye returned from outside They have deckled decided to locate at Midway for forthe the win winter er Edgar Carter is still lo looking forI for I i foul ul brood among among the beekeepers 4 j 4 4 4 ehI I 1 01 4 4 0 4 4 Je i. i n BLUEBELL VEnELL 10 44 oJ 4 01 4 L Last st Friday afternoon some of the Bluebell girls atte attended ded a hose and handkerchief show shower r at Floyd Cases Case's in n. n honor hanor of Lucile J Merrell who WIlo is going on a mission The girls report a very nice time tinie A bunch of young oung people attended attend attend- ed ef th the wed wedding ing dance at nt t Upalco UP Fr- Fr I day night Wm P. P Merrell Miss l Lucile Merrell Mer- Mer rell rehl Mr lr and Mrs Luther Gale and f l I Miss s Fern Larsen spent the week weekend cud end over aver to ta Vernal The They h had d a extra nice time Mr l and Mrs Ralph and i family i lr ve lu have returned ned home fro from 5 summer school Mr 11 and Mrs Wink- Wink ler teach in My Myton ton this winter While i out out t to school school l 1 ss Anna Winkler was vas operated on for appendicitis Sh She ca' ca came cae e home too and stood the trip fine Bi Bluebell bell ward ward is giving a farewell farewell fare fare- well elJ party arty Friday night in honor of Miss 1 Gudrum Jahnsen who leaves next month to the northern er l states on an a mission Ever Every one is invited H IL L. L has been working f for r Mr 11 1 Peterson the bee man but buthe buthi hi he lie u came le home ill and andi Is no better i J yet e. e I I t 4 r- r 4 or 4 I 4 oJo of- of 11 4 4 I 11 4 of- of 4 01 r I oJ J i J. E. E. E L L. L Carey and family Miss Gladys Gloz denning and Kenneth D Duncan spent spent Tuesday at Strawberry ry lake Victor Billings gs of Duchesne spent sent senta a short time at Fruitland on his wa way itt I J to Salt Lake Wm vm a and family have bc n rusticating a ng nga a few days ars at their r D D. D J J. J Pe Penley lcy and wife m made ade a trip t to ke th this week Mrs Irs Francis Brooks and andson son Harold HalOld om returned from Monday Mon Moil d Y day i J J. J E. E L. L Carey and wife wite Gladys G ld and K Kenneth Duncan camped a couple of oC days over on the th wild Strawberry to enjoy the good go fishing They brought home a anice nice lot of or fish z O. O Ci OJ Lo Lockhart member of the s. s f hil JS board for th this s district was wasat wasat it at Fr t this s week looking overl over l school house C. C W. W Fisher w went nt up UI 1 Curr Current nt creek Sunda Sunday to to bring down do a party paTty of or s Salt It Lake fishermen had been een cal camped up there a week Little Little Jean Fisher sher has has' has been been very ill 4 r 4 j 4 1 MT 11 HOME JE f 4 of J 10 4 J. J f Jias Jast week Reed Lyons Lons anti and Miss Dolly Doily V West Vest t visited the county seat scat and married l t tl p returning u I g the tue c same evening Th Their IF friends w wee e wh when n they heard hear p pf the marriage Last even evening ng a i hower was wan given the young oung couple Their man many friends wish them muei hap hap- Sheriff was wasi i J i Xu t l. l home visitor last MOl Monday day th the 01 ty my attorney at rat- torney was was also a visitor last Tues Tuo da day Th The Misses Eveln J Jenson and Marger Marger Mar Mar- ger geT Mecham went to Duchesne last Monday to have some JI work done Miss Je Jensen Jenson sol had bad two t teeth eth i extracted which made her very iery norv- norv ous Otis and she has haSi been quite ill durIng during during dur dur- I ing the week Mrs l Ernest Mitchell 2 has lias las gone out for COl a short visit ncr Her son Ray Hay i Roose came in n fl w with th his Ills car and took tool I his mother back Will McIntire a a. a former resident o of Mt Il Home and wife wiCe in company with Mar and Mrs Cleveland all of Salt Sal Lake Late are visiting friends and and spend spend- nga short time fishing Alter AiLer leaving leav ing tag here they will vill pass through the northern part of the reservation passing Jassing through some sonie ii of the settle- settle and visiting The They HI then go goto to Ft Duchesne Mr Cleveland spent some time at the ort Fort ort as as- asa a soldier after being way away for a number of years years- is going I 0 o visit IsH h his hs s old camping again after which they will return to Salt Lake Laker Harvesting Is x t. t progressing nicely I here and anti a number are cutting their crop crop of ha hay George Shirts Arthur Lyons Lons a and and Hf Leonard West left last Thursday y for Price Mr Neilson of ManU Main heldt heldi held t i meeting here her last night and gave i talk lalk of poultry etc lie also at- at ended end Sunday school Sunday morn morn- ing lag oi 0 4 oo LEETON LEETON llES to b 4 1 11 1 4 01 1 01 1 4 ot- ot 44 Miss Jesse Jessie Knoble Knobl Is the guest ot oh leI ler ier cousin Miss AUdr Audrey y Whitlock at Leeton Harvey Haney has applied t Ii Leslie O. O Driscoll for for- the lease ease of his home hom for forthe the winter It 1 is more moio desirable to Tent rent a house t than lan to lye ive in the school house hause as ur teachers have had to tb do Mrs Anna Smart nd ud Mr ill Lewis were speak ac LL die tho h Sunday ervice at Bennett on an Sunday f after Ter- C cr- cr noon in the Interests ts of of the R Roose Roos- Roosevelt os velt elt high school The Beehive girls gave gare a dance atthe at atthe the Leeton Leeto holl boll on Saturday evenin Mr and Mrs Mis Curtis Horrocks came in from Park City for foi a short visit with their parents Delbert Horrocks Horroc s accompanied nied them Mrs Marion Mitchell was as a visitor tor her on Saturday Cr from m Antelope Mervin C. C Dolton Bolton had a narrow harrow escape from a serious accident during dur dur- lug ing the week He was trying to ta back j a horse hitched to a Wilder binder when the animal struck him with his hits fore feet Mr ir Bolton got one blow on th the right cheen and on his left arm Luckily he lie he was not nat near enough to get the full force of oC the b blows ws but buthe buthe buthe he has a nast nasty bruises bruise on Ills hits f face ce Larue Pickup the little son of oC Mr 11 and Mrs Afton Pickup fell Cell from his lorse and sprained his arm during he week He lie was vas taken to the doctor doctor doc doc- tor as It was at first thought the wrist was broken Bishop Jos Horrocks Horrock h has s gone t to the thO to attend to the cutting of lumber for far the meeting house bouse I fa 4 1 TAL TALMAGE I 44 to 4 Mr and Mrs Roy Workman and amily and 1 Mrs Elma rs rayh 1 Mayhew w re returned returned returned re- re turned to ther their home in Park City on n Monday after spending the a avee vee seek here visiting with their parents Mr r. r. r and Mrs J Joseph o eph Jensen Mr H. H P P. P Ottosen left l-eft Satur jR for outside points pol Mrs 1 Pearl PeaT 1 Milner l and mother Mrs Hamblin of oC Wellington VelIngton Carbon county nty are here visiting their sister and daughter daught r Mrs Win Wm Davies for fora a few Low days Mr and s. Mi-s. Harwood E arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived home on Saturday ray Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne with their new now daughter Geo E. E Holt Bolt with Lola and Deloies Delores Thompson were Alto Aito- nah nali visitors on Sunday Mrs G. G E. E Holt is for a few cays ays In AlI Al- Al I tonah Mrs Nanc Jensen and Mrs Mis Elma Mayhew were visitors on Thursday the guests of Mr 1 and Mrs Hay tay ay Mayhew Mrs 1 Wallace Vallace spent a few days her parents In Ju loka IOka A large lare crowd of Talmage people c attended the the thestal stal stake c and ana ward ol meeting at Boneta Bonet a on Saturday I Mss Dolores res Ottosen nas returned to her home after aCter spending a low few das in Utahn visiting the Misses l lichen Helen and Nona Ross Hobs Bishop and Mrs A. A G. G returned re JC rc- rc turned turned home from Sa Salt 1 t I. I ti o ovi os Wednesday Miss 1 MaLfi Mabez Hertford re returned reo- reo t turned h hope home roe on ou Park I I I City Oily where ship she has s spent pent hi iw rL r-is r I Ii i j two t months with her sister M Lars Lara J i Kofford Mrs l C. C P. P Burton and re returned fC I turned home Saturday ait tit Lake where she has spent i tat st three weeks visiting Cri friend frioud and ami relatives relatives- I Henry of Logan returned return return- ed home on n Wednesday after acter spending spending spend spend- ing a we week k vIs visiting ting his sister Mrs Ed And Anderson H. H A. A Beckstead and Tom Draper were in n Duchesne Duehesne on business on Monday l F 4 11 oJ- oJ 11 4 11 11 1 1 11 4 TABIONA b 4 4 of- of 4 11 4 4 11 oJ 1 Mr 11 D. D D. D Wagstaff one of or our former Tabiona boys but now living in iii Provo was here visiting his brother Bishop Dishop C. C J L. L Wagstaff and chum chumming aro mound around and with his hits friends lIe He bl brought ought a tru truck k load of or fruit and reports an Rn abundance of ot fruit n ji Provo which is mostly contracted for at a 0 good fair air price Grain is ripening rapidly and l I looks like mc we will have an unusually unusual unusual- i ly y good crop This has been an extra extra ex ex- ex- ex tra good year year for our farmers all have th the best crops in a number of years rears earsT T Those who have ave been Out but rounding ip the their r cattle report repart them in fine line 1 4 ot- ot 44 4 1 orHA or- or 4 4 1 4 HA XA j to 4 4 oJ l 4 1 Ie i i 1 4 A 0 i ij Earl Earl Ear W. W Atwood want Z to Vernal Vernal Ver- Ver Ver S i nal iah on a ten days visit with his hs father nil and mother Mr 11 and Mrs 2 C. C B. B At At- Atwood I wood Sr He returned home this week weak j I- I Mr 11 and Mrs Monroe l Giles have hav joIe jone olle to Heber on a a. visit Mr 11 and Mrs Irs J. J T. T Murdock have gone to Salt Lake to attend the big ram sale S Mr Il and Mrs Alva l of Heber He He- Heber ber ber- were Hanna visitors for two days t this hIs week We have havea a daily mail mall service at Hanna Hauna now ai and f it sure is nice to get h Jie daily papers from froni Salt La Lane Lace only one day after arter the thoe are printed in instead in- in stead tea t of oC being beins three or four days days- old Jd ld when we get them Miss Grace Giles gave a birthday j i arty party Sun Sunday ay for Cor a a few few of ot her girl friends Miss May Lamberts Lambert's baby Is is' q ij quite ite sick e 01 1 01 0 1 tie v J MYTON r 4 10 0 4 11 4 l 11 I oo Iv J W. W E. E Wheeler return returned from rom Hayden Colorado where he went to visit vIsa for a a aday day with his n mother oth r but buthe buthe he Ife failed to 0 see her as she she- had sono gono ono td to Denver 1 Charles CharlesT W. W Walker Valker and wife have I from Crom a visit to Ogden Dr R. R J. J Enochs has purchased the house and will wm move ol n n with his family Just as soon as zis r rs i r s 5 vacated by Harvey Tucker and ana I f family Mrs 1 Enochs and the tue bl boys 10 this this' week from Cram Hayden Colorado where they have been visiting vis vis- since the Ithe first part palt of oC Jul July Bertie Dart presented to the My- My iiii tn Commer Commercial al club a Dinosaur fossIl which came caine from the J Jensen e sen c Dairying Dairy is is- developing rapidly in I Mt It Emmons and Altonah districts More j ore than m worth of cream cream Is hipped front from those tho-se yo t towns towns' every esery week I Jess Frizzell and family who left oos veL sonic some time ill l ago are now permanently located in B Berkeley r California v Dry Bryan ll Birchell a brother of Mrs irs Stewart Mrs Irs Sarah pum Pum- Miss Virginia was hero o for a short visit sic Mr jeM 1 i I a led in Los Angeles il H. C. C Miller president ani m J A J. J i Jr secretary Cedarview company have gone to Salt Lako La to consult 1 t with the sLa state te jn ln Ill regard to changing place of U ue u o I of ur water vater Mr 11 Miller Iiller was accompany i ity Ly ty his daughters Misses lIsses Jessie and ani ln l 1 Lucy UC who ho will visit with frien friends friends' Gurr Gurz and associates s ot or 1 tonah have sent scat a sample of to Salt Lake for far analysis It It 8 chalky in n ii substance and maroon in or coor Mr Mi- Gurr believes it contains elements clements which can be bo utilized in tie Ule manufacture or of p paint lInt It a s found In the Uintah mountains on top tol of or a body of a almost most pure pitr Iton iron ore oio and tin supply is inex inex- cx Quite a number of the South it J h ton on bench farmers have been con con with the Uintah Basin Con Con- tr clfon company for water lately Sam Sani Y Taylor Tay manager tells ells us he needs yet about 1100 coo acres before his investment will begin to pay Day ay His company has expended expend d a great deal of ot money on that project Le Lets Let's' Lets Let's all tend lend end it our support Before My My- I that much more moro ton can hope hOlO to grow South country must be bo pu put put under cultivation There may bo be more t to J the l Union than Pacific branch near Park arlt City appears on the surface school have junior high Price Pric i il 16 to bu which will cost 7 Miss 1 Anna a Lint Hunt daughter laughter of oC Mrs Leo Leo J Cooper op r of has lias decided not to return home borne at this time but butwill butwill butwill New New- will enter Durham College a Hampshire institution This is the same sam college her father Major C. C C. C Hunt U U. s S. S army attended when he lie was a l. l young man Jim McAfee McAtee near bridge doubtless has the record seed crop of oC Utah He lIe the basin and perhaps declares he will get get 20 o bushe bushels s. s t to tot O I l the e acre He ic has nas forty acres ur McAfee cultivated fall and spring and watered it six times This Thio is ideal seed weather The I crop begins to look like Ike- Ikea a bumper Away bigger than last year Warren is planning to go out outside idu to get works J. J Cecil Alter weather man predicts predicts pre pre- early frost in fn n Millard county the banner seed county of the state Sage age chickens and grouse September Septem Septem- ber er 1 to 10 inclusive Large seed red reduces uces hay har acreage and as a a. result resul hay market will wm be brisk t tIle the e coming winter Five sure money makers for Uinta Uintah Uin Uin- ta tah tahi l basin farmers farmers- r Dairying seed sheep turkeys money Don Don't have haye to have a railroad t to make big money out of any of oC the above Ward Ireland and wife ret |