Show What the Number Indicated I Few persons In inthe the Pine Tine Top lop ever seen a motorcar and when n hug big car stopped for or a few minutes es In the Isolated village the curious Inhabitants Cants tants gazed at It with a mixture of fear and awe The rhe owner who had entered the general store store to to toIl Il a purchase heard one rustic rustle remark k Ill IH bet Its It's a Sure assented another Look at the number on the th That shows how man many people its it's run rte over That's a to to law Now if It that fellow tellow was to run over o anybody anybody any amy body here lucre In Tine PIne Top lop It t would be bo our duty to telegraph that number number- j 1344 to 1344 to the next town And what would thC they they- do Wily Why WI r the constable would stop him and change his number to 1345 13 |