Show I BADLY BURNED ON BACK B CK i 15 North Ash St. St Spokane Vasht Wash Vash t My Iy baby was sick and I had hod to give givet t him bin baths and rub him with alcohol end and Dd one evening by mistake In t the e erk f dirk rk I grabbed the bottle that contained con i tamed carbolic acid and rubbed some on before I 1 noticed my mistake Baby I I sas Jas as burned on the back baek from shoulders shoal f ders to the ankles Th skin was red red and nd blistered He suffered quite a little A neighbor told me about the Ointment so I 1 purchased a box at once I 1 just put the Ointment on twice a day and the I burnt skin akin all came off and left no tear Kat ar It was only two weeks before he was T cured Signed Mrs J. J H H. Mar 28 1 1913 13 Soap and Ointment sold Bold throughout the world Sample of each i freewith p. 32 S Skin In Book Dook Address postcard post post- card wd Dept L Boston Adv MII Soothing Syrup for Children Childrens ns s the sums reduces c wind college a boUl I i Only a newly married man ever Judges s when his wife throws things at him m. m ALLENS ALLEN'S c t t. FOOT EASE The Antiseptic powder shak shaken n into inta th the shoes The shoes The Standard Remedy Rem Rem- edy lor nr the leet led for a quarter Quart J Sol Sold Sola century 30 testimonials testimonial ts Mule e everywhere Sample FREE I i Address Allm 1 S. S Olmsted Le ROV i Y an who put the E EE E s II In F FEET FE E ET PARKERS PARKER'S J. J HAIR BALSAM BALSAMA I A t toilet preparation of merit I to at dandruff I IE E For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray Cray or Faded Hair Me and LOO at Drug l E C H E M I ST AND I IdaO cold Shyer 1 W. W Me no Zinc or Copper li t ane full nil price list Hit ent on application 4 M Umpire work fr Carbonate National flank Bank NY DAISY FLY KILLER pla l attracts attracts at at- tracts and u kills kill all 11 tit 51 Neat clean or convenient cheap chap I. I Laiti a t all Made of over will not hot fall oil of Injure anything e l All i ol r paid for 1100 Ave Arc Brooklyn H. H T 1 1 the Liver its ts Duty lilt the bines in ten when the liver h Is Stomach and bowels are right t LITTLE 0 ti ILLS 4 firmly coin to to VER S Af After ting b be bere LL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE PRic- re- re rest st enu ne must b bear Signature i i h p an i opportunity open foi fol 5 F Article of merits Wi Wile a bale le Co Council Ida Late h hours rs and a spicy breath are I I sure to tell on a man I I A BLUE AND DISCOURAGED M Mrs a. a Hamilton Tells Telia How She F Finally In ally Found Health in y i Lydia E. E Pinkham's V eg Compound Warren Ind I L was bothered ter r with female weakness I had pains paine and was not regular t 1 my head ached all alit r the had bearing bear bear- 4 ing down pains and and- my back hurt me the 5 biggest part of the tha iL time I was dizzy dizzy- and had weak feel feelings ings when I would I I I stoop over it hurt I f q 1 me to walk any dinI distance din dis I I I tance and I felt blue and discouraged I I began taking Lydia E. E Vegetable Compound and am now in good health If it had not been for that medicine I would have been in my mr grave grivo a long time ago Mrs ARTIE E. E HAMILTON RFD No 6 Warren Ind Another Case Casee Esmond RI uI L X write t t t tell ll you how much good your medicine has done dona me and to let other women know that that- there is help for them I suffered with bearing down pains headache was ir irregular irregular irregular ir- ir regular and felt blue and depressed all the time I took Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and commenced to to- to gain in a short time and I 11 am a well weman woman woman wo we- wo man today I am on my feet from early morning until late at night running a a.- a. boarding house and do all aU my own work I hope that many suffering women will try your medicine It makes happier wives and mothers Mrs ANNA At HAN BEN Esmond Rhode Island W. W N. N U. U Salt La Lake e City No 31 31 TF l liI Lr 1 Dont Don't Poison Pison t Baby FORTY ORT YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have fORTY ri 1 P PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep These drugs will wID prOduce produce K Ii sleep Bleep and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH VilICH THERE IS NO WAKING Many are the children who have been boon killed tilled or whose health has been ruined for life lif by paregoric laudanum laudanum lauda lauda- num Dum and mOl morphine each o of which is ia a Ii narcotic product of opium Druggists tn are prohibited from sellin selling either of the narcotics named to child children ren at all or orto to anybody without labelling them p poison The definition of narcotic is A medicine ine which relieves pain and produces sleep steep but which in poison poison- poisonous ous doses produces stupor coma convulsions and death The taste and smell of medicines containing opium a are dis disguised and sold under the names of Drops Cordials Soothing Syrups etc You should not permit jermit any medicine to be given to your children without vou you or your physician know of what it itis is composed CASTO CASTORIA RIA DOES NOT OT CONTAIN NARCOTICS if it bears the signature of Chas Chaa H Fletcher Genuine storla C always bears the signature of I i I t 11 j LJ 0 Never put oft off till tomorrow what any anyone one Is willing to do for tor you to to- day I Occasionally a man kicks because because- I his his his' name iJ in in the paper paper paper-In In small S J typo type Pork and Beans S S Nutritious Delicious with a thoroughly cooked Plump and nut like in flavor choice pork Prepared the Libby way nothing can be more of food value rue Put r 0 appetizing and satisfying nor greater disi dun excellent with An up or without tomato sauce either hot or cold i a Insist on Libby's cA Libby Libby T TS Ti i 1 S j jy jr f r y I |