Show PINS MADE BY THE MILLION I I In England every day there Is an an output of over pins plus Bir Birmingham Birmingham I mingham the greatest center of t ti Industry alone produces I j pine per day The output t of other pin J I manufacturers In England Is only only about half that of Birmingham In France the dally daily production Is I while Germany and Holland produce produce produce pro pro- duce per per per- day The total output output output out out- put for Europe each day Is therefore It Is seldom that a pin gets broken or worn and the question Is therefore therefore there there- fore foro Whore Where do all the pins go to The greater number of at them get lost and there Is no other domestic article where where there is so BO much wasso by loss 1088 If every person In Europe lost a pinon pin pinon pinon on every third day the daily dally Toes loss would represent over In former days the number of men required to make a pin was one of the marvels of the manufacturing world but as with most other manufacturing products machinery has haa taken the place of men and pins are now produced produced pro pro- very much faster The machines are so BO perfect that they cut tho wire of which the pins pIns' are made Into pieces of the right length head point polish and sort them They are then put Into another machine which affixes them to paper at the tho rate of to per perI per I hour In the fourteenth century pins were pins They were pot not carelessly lost as nowadays or given as a substitute for fora a farthing change The law permitted permitted per per- that they should only be sold soldon soldon sold soldon on the first two days of January each year in order t that at they might not become become become be be- come too common It therefore became the custom for ladies ladles of all classes to buy their years year's stock of pins on these daye days and the money given them for this purpose by their husbands or fathers was known as pin money a phrase that has survived d to the present present present pres pres- ent day |