Show I s to 5 S SS S DUCHESNE E p ITEMS J. J Joseph R. R Lewis w who o. o I-a I has been sick the past three w weeks ek is now in Pr Provo Pro vo taking treat treat- ment rilent lie He is getting gettin much better bet bet- et- et Jer ter and nd is s expected ct d hOll home soon Boon Rev e Furr Furrer r an episcopal clergyman ler from th the East Kast ast and ond II who has been holding s services ices L t the 1 1 past two weeks l left ft londay lon Ion day Mr Furrer made many friends w while lile here If He will Y will ill endeavor endeavor en en- n. n deavor or la to have a minister sent to 0 remain remain with us p permanently The Vest West Beucher are getting get get- ting in bus busy 1115 these days The They are t fIguring ng- ng ngon on Oil having ing water r on l the bench by next year lh Tile They y have ho just reorganized their disI dis dis- Dr V. E. E Gosset Cosset Thos Thou Firth an nn J Joseph have ac been chosen hosen di directors rectors Some 12 or fourteen horse four loads of iron iron for the on the lower Blue Bench Canal arrived the past few df days ys The Thc work on OIl the canal is being pushed and avid at the present outlook outlook outlook out out- look it will be completed b blate by late tate fall I rhe The Upper Blue Benchers expect expert a nut number ber of land own 1 ers who are arc now on the outside e I Ito to be here at the tile election to ratify the tile contract with the Clark lark Company for the building build build- ing jUg of their water system The Thc ejection is to be held Saturday August Should the tile election election election elec elec- tion carry in in all probability work will be benin begin in soon t 1 S The rile South Myton's point of diversion ia is just a short dis I dis-I his his- I i I t i I. I I I S tance frince below town This ditch building together with t the Ii 11 e Lb er Blue Bench the Upper Blue Bench Beuch and the West Vest Bench canals ought to make this about the thc busiest little f- f 1 hamlet l in ih this part of Utah The Thc Brown brothers have bought ou ht the tile large J Jakes ranch I up Indian Canyon They Ther are art practical stock til en n rind and l I to go into the stock business e extensively tet i el 1 John li A. A Forlie has returned etu from a weeks week's vacation trip to Heber J Joe oe Morrison lorrison is is down from the tie I Raven cu a mines ruines Th The Thi first new apples of the season appeared in our markets this li week C. C W. W v. v Smith deputy county assessor was wms transacting busin business busi bus i n ness ss in town this week Ii Ro Roy Cook one of our earl early s settlers is expected home soon He went vent to Nl Nevada a a l last st spring sprin We Ve will be glad to have hae him hin and and Mrs Cook hack back in our midst I. I Jesse E. E Washburn principal principal pal of the Duchesne schools returned returned returned re re- re- re turned Saturday from Salt Lake where rc he lIe lilts has been heen attending summer I J John t J 1 T. T M. M 1 E BJ 1 M. M 1 1 Pope and families are aie fishing up th the Strawberry this is week weck i iThe The s second cond crop gf alfalfa Ia is beginning t to h be cut Tie The outI out ont v look I 1 is a 1 large crop Ha Harry ry S ter i and ld Attorney I I. I Jacknin a Herri J k hll gone to I R Roosevelt os to a appear pear in n a n civil civi action B Beggs ggs gs versus Speer Charles has lS bo bought some Cit city lot lots upon which he he is preparing pre pre- paring to build lIe lib expects expects expects' to move fr from 5 Indian Canon and m make ke his hilt home in town Claire is convalescing in ing ing- fro from In fin fit attack tt lck of ptomaine poisoning r t When the sun un is ia fierce a anc and d hi high b then my fancies turn To Ta buttermilk buttermilk then then I I sigh 1 For nectar from the churn The little Blue Benchers have bave completed their canal a and d v water wa- wa ter IB tr now flowing on the bench beuch Tl ditch is an extension of the tile theRo Ro y foi t canal an and covers coers some oth om or 30 l 1000 acres Tt This is has hns be ben been n raude possible Ui through rough h the tireless ss energy er y and heroic effort of six years ears of endeavor of Emil Emil rind fInd Henry lIen Hen ry Hc are arc now 1 planting I alfalfa on their places May tile they be rewarded J in iLl bountiful harvest as 38 tile they are arc surely des de de- de- de s serving C rv i U UThe The Celebration committee awarded the Duchesne band the princely sum stun of 1100 as OS asber ber bera beral ber- ber their modest modest mod mod- a nl al compensation for est cut efforts on the an The band boys had InKI to dig up to the tile tune of about 30 JO to oa pay helping helping- musicians froin fron other places and for or n a few other utiler nth oth er expenses The Tile band hand is certainly her her- r. r appreciated by some in ill inthis inthis this neck neek of the w woods od |