Show f M LOOSEy t COATS CUT cur ST STRAIGHT r Masculine lInc Linea Adopted AdOPt d for the Newest New New- New New-I est Wraps That Have Taken Popular Fancy It If the pretty pretty maIds at the shore this Bumm summer or on the steamer if you are goIng abroad 0 wear louse loose 6 straight coats with no shape snape or make to them thorn do not look even surprised it you jou are For they will simply be Bearing wearIng th the newest the thing in wraps- wraps I very last word Nord ord In topcoats They are ad adapted for younger lounger girl girlA and women these new coats oats and very jaunty jaunty- they are with a a certain boyish style stylo that that thatIs Is most fetching Made fade of ot the thick closely curled chinchilla cloth they ar are atilt able aUle for much hard wear wear a and d on many many occasions when the wind whid blows cold As to the tho cut they are quite straight with like masculine shoulders and sleeves They come Just below the hips in that length that Is best liked this season and at nt the waist line there is an outside belt of the material about two Inches wide which is slipped through loops of at the material Another peculiarity is the fastening for they button through with buttons and button holes on the edge of the thecO cO coat t. t and extending from the throat to the edge edg of the coat The buttons are quite close t together gether- gether and shining pearl Affairs about the sIze of a ter leI White coats 0 of of- course aro are very fashionable very fashionable very summery and very becoming but the new b blue ue shades those lighter dull duIl tones and r the soft sott rose pretty tones are aro also very smart And maidens complexions will stand the test will like the bright yel yellow yellow cl low c coats ats for this hue is also algo included In the list |