Show UPAlCO l Miss ss Mary l Evans Mr Ernest Mecham and family are back In Upalco to hely Mr Mecham's father farm Mrs Alvin Sheals of Tooele Is la here visiting her mother Mrs Clyde Mitchell Miss Beulah Barker is reported to be Improving after a severe case of diphtheria Miss Ellen Evans who is employed employed employed em em- in Salt Lake City spent the week end at home Mr and Mrs Hugo are are in Salt S Lake City visiting their daughter Mrs Ila IIa Holt I Mr Dean Mecham is employed by Calder in Al Altonah tonah I Mrs Wayne Williams was transacting business in Roosevelt Thursday Miss Dean Lloyd entertained at ata ata ata a party Sunday night The evenIng evening evening even even- ing was spent in playing games Those present wera Misses Myra and Wilma Iorg lorg Ora Mitchell and andI I Merle Barker |