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Show Sway!5 Mrs. W. G. bu' to Jk UINTAH BASIN RECORD. DUCHESNE, UTAH on Myton News Items Hicks mother, Mrs.US?e Sorenson on Sunday. Gentry Los Angeles days in loka a u s?7 fIer his farm interests Mrs. Paul Johnson and Eeifson call-ch- J Mtn. Home were of n j 0r cook home Saturday. Gentry tthe frS, and Mrs. Otto Lloyd enter-JJ- d Mr. and Mrs. W a at a dinner party Monday Tom and Elizabeth fentrvryaand the dinner guests of Mr and m rs flur Wiscombe of Roosevelt Devon Gentry of on in loka Mr. visitor and Mrs J WjLfUnday' y 4 business TUft were vittagnS IIiles waa the ?uest Olive Menrwn M s and JBenson Friday Swain afteon jlrs. M. Idaho arrived in loka of Shellv qs'.urdayThursdav ,, s Annie Salmon of Salt Lake and expects to spend some in end loka relatives visiting week JJ spent the and friends h tne of her sister Mrs. Mrs Swain will be remembe as Miss Naomie Benson. Farnsworth, n, Mrs. Med Benson was r nr Saunders and little daugh-leshoppinz visitors Sun- - in Roosevelt Monday. gay were loka Alexander of J if few C. C. C. BLUEBELL Grace DalgleKh By Miss Florence Murray evenin thlhome3 from Los An- guests at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robison ot ml d Mrs- - R- California to busi' loka were dinner guests at the attend C. Walker Sun-ISay, home of Bishop and Mrs. Leslie The Drama Mr Thomas club Rogers left B. Goodrich on Sunday. The presented for Salt Lake City and Salina Duchess day Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Murray and ool au- where itorium she will visit her daughA. large ters. She will then leave for Mis- daughters Gladys and Florence dience Friday enjoyed and grandson Raymond Mosley Production of a clever d Wlth 411 ex souri where she expects to make were Roosevelt visitors on Monher home. Her many friends will ceptional cast a daDCe followm day. the miss her. was also a success. A homecoming was held ThursThe town has acquired the propnight, Apnl 8 in honor of Miss WetoesdayeTvemnzSnf returaed erty necessary to open up a street day Salt west of the new school building Edith Hancock who recently reLake rit. turned home from a two year She. had been and work will begin a once. the mission in Attawa, Canada. A guesoher The Zirker brothers have purchased the old school buildings and lovely program was rendered and aeP?n- S.hf reports the arrival of have moved the one Old after the program, dancing was in at to their property in Ar- enjoyed and ice cream and cake born Monday, Ahe Anderson home, Town was served. ' April 5th. cadia. Mrs. Of R. I. Meyer Tuttle Midview Quite a number from here at wJr: arrived TuesbUSmeSS Visitor tended the school play at Alta from day Salt Lake evening Cdnesfav City Let us do your job Shisler of Roosevelt was, where she has been visiHng her mont Friday, April 9th. All reprinting. ported the play as being very of Duchesne son, Harold and family. wr'tinC0k fWirtuner Mr. and Mrs. Dean Peterson good. bUSineSS in My ton Thursday." who have made Salt Lake City Mrs. Alena Aalgren of Salt their home for several months re- Lake City arrived here on MonBetter Mrs. Ted Miles who has been turned to Myton Saturday and day to spend a few days visiting wmdh h Parents Mr- - and expect to reside here permanentl- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. herT hai2 Forsythe returned yJohn K. Therning. Sait L,ie n Mr. Thomas Shisler of RooseMr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson Sr Get enough Boarders into a Dairy herd, and likeiv Sheriff Arzy Mitchell was at- - velt was a Myton visitor Tuesday. mnd Mr. Lyman Burdick weire theyll Mrs. E. W. Crocker of Duchesne eat up the whole establishment before they get through bU3ineSS in Myt0n n spent some time in The SUCCESSFUL Dairyman is a tough landlord He tests Saturly0 Myton TuesUs cows, and starts all those who dont pay their feed-biMr3. A. M. Todd returned Wed- day attending to business. to The the butcher block. As long as you're milking cows vou mihf nesday from Salt Lake City where Eastern Duveromy Chapter of the lust a well milk 'em at a PROFIT! Star enjoyed a banquet she had been the guest of her followed by their KEEP ONLY THE PROVED PRODUCERS regular meeting granddaughter, Mrs. Alan Sims. Mr. E. W. Crocker of Duchesne Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nichols, By Tracy Defa Grand Lecturer of the Eastern was a Myton visitor J. Allen of the Ranger Saturday. Star was an honor guest at the GranddaddyLloyd Mr. R. E. Miller left Lake district returnMonday meeting. ed April 6th from a two day confor Salt Lake City on a business Duchesne, Utah Mrs. Mylan Bywater of Pariette ference held in Salt Lake City at trip. the Federal building. Mr. James McAffee of Mid view visited in Myton Monday. The shearing of sheep at the was transacting busines in Regional Forester R. H. RutMyton Antelope shearing corral was ledge and Assistant Regional ForWednesday. Mrs. R. J. Adams motored to scheduled to start Wednesday ester C. J. Olsen, in charge of land Roosevelt Tuesday where she was with the Royal Smith herd as the called all Supervisors, Assistant a guest of the Family Circle Club first to be sheared. Supervisors and Rangers from the Miss Alma Lamb and John at the home of Mrs. Merril Lab-ruWasatch, Ashley, Cache and La-SHhrdy Blaine, students al the National Forests to discuss Mr. Paul Newmeyer and Dr. University of Utah spent the spring and analize the needs of a public vacaion with their parents. service to the various communiR. C. Dalgleish of Salt Lake City ties and users of the national forwere Myton visitors Monday. est. The Indians have been bringing We have a Mr. Frank Defa attended a wain material to build the corral for ter meeting at Duchesne Saturthe Bear Dance is which a usual vacancy. Can He was accompanied by Mr, day. spring festival for the Utes. They William T. Rhoades. to for start the expect dance about you report Mr. and Mrs.. A. Foster Rhoadea Miss Jean Morrison April 25th. Mrs. Herbert Lang is visiting returned home Monday evening work today? Mr. James Giles returned Sunafter spending a few days visitday from a trip to Ogden, Utah in Salt Lake City this week. ing friends and relatives in Provo Mr. Mr. Whitlock and where he attended Federal Court. Andy Mr. C. P. Dauwalder arrived Veater were buying cattle in and Salt Lake City. Mr. Burnell Turnbow returned Utahn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill of Du- home last week with Mr. William chesne were visiting with Mrs. Lewis. He spent a few days in Hills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man- Salt Lake City where he attended conference. uel Kofford Sunday evening. On April 3rd Governor Henry Mrs. Richard Brandon of Bon-et- a H. Blood appeared before a group in is few a days spending My car Mrs. Minnie Hamilton Utahn at the home of her son and of forest officers and commended town was as spent Mr. and Mrs. the Forest Service organization on dkughter-in-iaSaturday Send a clean-u- p its policies and ideals of Public day. Several teams and George Brandon. cars were used and everyone in Miss Lois Davies has returned Service. mechanic ' town worked all day cleaning and to school Friday night, April 2nd Ranger again after several fixing the streets of the town. A weeks' illness. She has been con- Allen attended the farewell party at the Embassador hotel in Salt fined to her home. great improvement was made. Lake City in honor of Assistant Neil Hamilton entertained his Mrs. J. A. Morrison and daughsmall friends as a birthday party ter Carma Gayle were visiting Forester C. VV. Scribner, who is were Mrs. Herb Birch Monday after- being transferred to Washington, Refreshments Saturday. A telephone keeps you In D. C. served to twelve children. noon. At the same time a welcome was Mrs. Reid Dalhman of Heber touch, is useful daily. Mr. Vernon Valarida of Salt to incoming Assistant extended here end week home the the at is Lake visiting spent City visiting Forest Supervisor S. S, Stewart friends. of Mr. Herb Lang in Utahn. Any employee will Ranyour order Mrs. Eunice Hickens and son Mr. Almon Riggs and Mrs. and Ranger Jack J. Albano. Albano succeeded Ranger Tommy left Monday for Heber Newell Riggs and children of Su- ger where they intend to make their perior, Arizona spent Wednesday Briggs who was recently promot to Assistant Forest Supervisor home. night as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. ed on the Nevada National Forest, Mrs. Minnie Hamilton enter- J. A. Morrison. with headquarters at Ely, Nevada, tained at a birthday dinner SunRay, Bobby and Lonnie May-heMrs. Blancha Defa was taken tc Maxbeds to Mrs. Jessie confined their of are honor all in day the hospital at Heber Friday, with well. Those present were, Mr. and with measles this week. on the Mr. Art Orr was transacting pneumonia. However she is Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell and son, this at writing. Maximprove Bruce Mrs. Utahn business in Sunday. Buddy, Mr. and Miss LaVar Allred returned to Mr. Randolph Jensen of Salt well and daughters, Betty and her home Saturday from Fort n Rose Marie, Mrs. Katie Hodgkin-so- Lake City is tending to his bees Duchesne where she has been in Utahn this week. and Mr. A. W. Maxwell. for Mrs. Rudy Lewis for working Max son on the is Shirts and Mr. Clifford Ada Mrs. Stanley two months. the Hepast in home week. this sick list left Sunday for her Mrs. Martha Tillock was taken ber. to the hospital at Heber Monday Mr. Penny Jones is on the sick with the flu. week. list this Mr. and Mrs. Byran Callctt ol Mrs. Edna Sizemore returned Indian canyon saw mill were a home Sunday after spending friends in Hanna on Sun visiting week in Heber. day. Mr. Grant Hicken who is workMr. Abe Liddell, Mr, Joe Shanks By Romanza Mott week the Roosevelt spent ing at Mr. and Mrs. Reed Eakins and and Miss Lucile Iihoadcs and Miss here. friends end visitng a two small sons of Provo, Utah are May hew attended church at Han Mrs. Zelpha Pace is spending guests of Bishop Clarence Baum na Sunday. They also had a gene-olog- y Lake Salt few days in Heber and and family and Mr. and Mrs. Al meeting after for those Citv. to attend. Mezenen for a few days. wishing returned Maxwell you owe real property taxes for 1934 Miss France Mrs. Irene Allred and daughter Mr. W. P. Rasmussen has startafter spending to Salt Lake City Qnd prior ed to build a new house for him- Velma returned home from Salt years you can save 6 interest and a week at home. Lake City Thusday after spending self. entertain2. penalty by paying all back taxes NOW1 Mrs Jessie Maxwell Mrs. Dora Mezenen is staying a week with relatives. Sunday party a birthday ed at Mr. Curtis Pace spent a couple home of Mrs. Marie Baum were., Mr. at the Save your of days in Pleasant Grove last night Those present a few for money and your propertyl See days. and Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, The new church house is almost week with his folks, Mr. and Mrs or write Mrs. your county treasurer for complete Mrs. Dave Nye, Mr. and and will be ready for O. J. Davis and family. completed Mrs Alvin Maxwell, Mr. and Mer-vi- n use in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Moon and details. Frank Clark, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. held at the home Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Moon and was Church Hamilton and Mr. and of Bishop Baum Sunday and Re- families have moved to Hanna for Bruce Maxwell of Myton pnd lief Society was held at the home the summer. They spent the winVernal of Mrs. Katie Hodkinson ter in Provo where their children of Mrs. Tessie M. Ivie Tuesday. Mrs. Jess Thompson has gone have been attending school. Joe and Glena Curry drove to Heber City to visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. some cattle up from Duchesne Baum. Sunday on Shetland ponies. i iwrviffirrwnnrHnrTmr- p "g- -d S' wdn'Mr" Sun-Hot- el ,y - An Empty House Than A Poor Tenant! - ifijr ' at ll MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. 'Need a Telephone? al ABN 1 wont start. take w STRAWBERRY By Paying Delinquent Taxes Mow . . . RIDE IN AND DRIVE THE NEW FORD V NOW ON DISPLAY In the Good Ole Summer Time! I at fs when j ours really that is enjoying life Rood when you'll appreciate r. is It most; the BEER cold has smooth and mellow, and Acclaimed by Thousands as the most Economical Automobile on the Road! DELIVERED IN DUCHESNE FOR ONLY S663.00 and ,, ... tang to please just the right likes his tser. who man the PABST FISHERS and deckers , Uth state tax commission . ic ic 'k k ' -- WILKINS Beer Parlor 1 Your rauirite Drinking Spot up USED CARS -- ALL MAKES ANI) MODELS - $35.00 and up Pierson Motor Co. Utah. New Men Enrolled new enrol! os have been enrolled in camp on or since April 6, 1937, to replace the forty-on- e enrollees that were discharged March 31. 1937. The selection was made from the following counties: Salt Lake County, 27; Duchesne County, 9; Uintah County, 7, and Caibon County, 3. 1st. Lieutenant Scheiber was transferred Apnl 8th to the Fies no District, California. will be Captain Thompson transferred this week to the Redding District of California. He will be relieved from duty at Bridge-lan- d by Captain Goates from the Forty-si- Mr. and Mrs were dinner Huntsville REFLECTIONS x Roosevelt visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lci Lisonbee and Mrs. A. L. Lisonbee and Oran Bird were visiting in Pleasant Valley on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bracken-bur- y and Mr. Albert Powell left Sunday for Salt Lake City where Mr. Brackenbury and Mr. Powell expect to find employment. Out of town people attending the homecoming party Thursday night were President Owen Reunion and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Case of Mt. Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Hancock of Pleasant Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Howells of loka, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar I. Mitchell of Upalco. Camp, Huntsville. 1st Lieutenant Foutz was trans15, to the Bountiful Camp, Bountiful, Utah. He will be succeeded by Lieutenant Webb from the Clover Creek Camp, Cloer, Utah. ferred Monday, April THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINE Jrk JJRAr4u J ' .7- llilllllll!lllllllllllllilll!!lllillllli Announcement The DUCHESNE MILL Will Be Open Only 2 Days Each Week FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Throughout The Summer Months Until September 1st DUGHEStlE FLOUR Duchesne, Utah iiillllBII!!! HE I vj ; |