Show Dr Pierces Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are arc an effective laxative Sugar coated Children like them Buy now now Adv Adv Reflection and Speech A wise m man m reflects before he speaks A fool speaks and then reflects on what he has uttered French Proverb D 91 0 Pr 1 1 KILLS II ON FLOWERS FRUITS VEGETABLES SHRUBS Demand original scaled bottles from your dealer R Jr Essential Victories Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for hu hu- hu- hu manity Horace Horace Mann e 30 For Fop thirty ye years rs I 1 had stubborn constipation Sometimes I did not go for four or five d days ys I also had awful g gas s bloating headaches and pains In Inthe tho the back helped right away Now I cat sausage bananas pic pie anything anything any any- thing I want and never felt better I sleep soundly nil all night and enjoy life Mrs Mabel Schott If It you are suffering from constipation sleeplessness sour stomach and gas bloating there Is quick relief for you In Many report action act In thirty minutes after taking Just one ont dose gives complete action cleaning your bowel tract nary laxatives do not even reach Dr n. n I L. L L Now York fork In la addition r to 0 cheek th tha growth i of bacteria J and colon bacilli Give your bowels a 1 real cleansing with and see seo how hoVi good you feel just one spoonful relieves GAS and stubborn constipation At all Leading Druggists On Uncertain Ground Every change makes the favorite favorite favor favor- ite of fortune anxious GIRLS WRE A AS WO THIN WEAK S When I was a girl a aa IS to a 1 r result cl of an illness It I t had become thin and weak and was a awfully w f u 11 y unstrung un un- StroD strung said Mr Mrs Fiore Florence Florence Flor Flor- Navajo Navajo Nava- Nava e ence Pilger of 1021 1031 j jo 0 S Si St D Denver C Colo 0 1 o. o i r Finally mother started riving giving me Dr Pierce Pierces 8 Favorite Prescription as IS asa ISa a tonic I used it m off oil and on over a period of some Orne months and I had a good appetite And sad was wu strong enough to go back to school New size tabs SO 50 CU liquid 1 Si S A Base Possession The wavering mind is but a abase abase base possession Euripides AI H II MODERN MOTHERS a It 5 a II a A Use Modern Modem Methods g gj t j II for Colds on the Chest H rs For hall half a century Denvor Mud tn the tho H B q Ii convenient economical remedy has baa B tZ BS S II t been furnishing quick relief to con con- conI I HH H Fi H iii r chest colds or bronchial E fi B II irritation Seep Keep A 4 o la In your it II H R medicine chest B R BAt tt At All Drug Stores B II Bg g Family Six Suo SOc SOe Practical She Suo j feet Used New Pipe Sizes 1 1 1 o i Structural Steel and Plates l Monsey Iron Metal Co loo South 3rd Jd West Veit Silt Salt lib late City sus W W 37 15 In the Strength of Youth It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth w n nd d Dont Don't Neglect Them I Nature d designed d tho the kidneys to do a m 7 marvelous Job Their task is to keep the tho- flowing blood stream freo free of an excess of or toxic impurities Tho The net act of ot living living life ll far Is farIs Is constantly producing waste matter tho the kidneys ys must remove from tho the blood if tr go good health th Is la to endure When the tho kidneys kidneys' fail tall to function 03 u Nature Intended thero there Is ta retention cl or paste vaste that may cause causo body wide dis dis- tress treM One may suffer nagging backache persistent headache attacks of dizziness petting getting up nights swelling puffiness under the tha cyra eyes feet feel tired nervous all worn om out Frequent scanty or burning passages may bo be further evidence ol ot kidney or bladder disturbance Tho The recognized and proper treatment la Is a diuretic to help the tho pet get t rid of excess poisonous body waste wrote Use Uso Doc Doan Pills Pill They have had bad moro more than tort forty years of public approval Aro endorsed tho the country over Insist t Ott OD Doana Sold Said at all drug stores store a |