Show MT EMMONS NS Mrs Sam Crosby Lynn Case Cage son of Mr and Mrs Earl Case is very ill and has bees beel since before school let out If Ir wasn't safe to move him until a week ago Saturday when they took him to Salt Lake City They dont don't seem to know the cause yet but last reports were that he was fe feeling a little better His father and mother are arc in Salt Lake City with him Mr and Mrs Leroy Rust and family and Mr and Mrs Harry Chapman and son were Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt visitors last week Mrs Annie R. R Salmon went to Salt Lake City last week to attend attend attend at at- tend the funeral of her sister sister-in- law She was accompanied home son law B Cannon by her Ira B. B and her grand daughter Ruth Cottrell Wedding bells chimed last week for one of our teachers Miss Edith Hamburg who was married to Mr Leon Burton of Talmage Del Mecham must be going in into into into in- in to the poultry business busin s. s He re re- re five hundred baby chick on the mail last week Mr and Mrs Elec Hutchenson spent Sunday visiting th the Rust Rustand Rustand Rustand and Chapman families The Primary held their annual May Festival last Thursday A large crowd attended They went wenton on a hike hUre the trail being blazed before hand by the trail builder boys They played games ran races sang songs etc then ended ended ended end end- ed the day by eating A good time was had by everyone the teachers teachers teachers teach teach- ers included Mrs Ester Erter Boswell has gone to Logan to spend decoration day wi with th her folks Mrs Vesta Wall and family have gone to Salt Lake City t U visit her parents Mr r. r and Mrs Simon Atwood and family Mra Mm Hugh Stevens spent Fri Friday day in Mt Emmons visiting her daughter Mrs Samuel Crosby Mr and Mrs Chester Hartman have gone back east easl after a new ca car Rawlins Thacher has eras a new car caras caras caras as have Art and L Lc Leo Powell has Mrs Rube baby a been quite ill with summer coma complaint complaint com com- plaint but is better now |