Show I Y Ev Leroy Bishop Appointed Appo ted Duchesne County School District Superintendent Roosevelt High School Principal Is Chosen By Board Of Ed Education cation From Front Among Nineteen Applicants Seeking Position Extra Class Rooms Made Possible By Advantageous Bids L LeRoy Roy Bishop for the past year p at the Roosevelt high school was appointed superintendent superintendent of the Duchesne County School District it was announced Tuesday He will take office officially officially of of- July 1st when the resignation resignation resignation nation of Reuben D. D Law becomes effective Mr Law has accepted an appointment as assistant professor professor professor pro pro- fessor of elementary education at atthe atthe atthe the Brigham Young university and will lea leave ve in about three weeks for Provo Mr fr Bishop i is a graduate of the Utah State Agricultural j-al j college at Logan where he received a bachelor of ot science degree He has also studied law and education education education tion at the University of Utah His teaching experience includeS included the position of junior high school principal at Tremonton Tre and two years as head hend of th the social science department at the Bear River high school One Ono Among 20 Applicants Mr Bishop was chosen by the Board from among nineteen other educators from in and around Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne county who had applied for lor the position Following the appointment of or superintendent at the regular Board meeting other matters were discussed discuss by the members chiefly concerning the new school buildings The construction of ot the new school buildings in My Myton ton and Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne and the addition to the Roosevelt school was contracted to such an advantage as to make possible the addition of one more nore class room rosin to the Duchesne building bringing the total to six sLIt rooms and two to the Myton building making nine in all The plans for the My Myton ton building provided nine rooms rooms but it was thought necessary to cut the number to seven That cut will not now be necessary it was stated Drainage Problem Settled The pouring of f cement cement- for the fou foundation dation of the My Myton ton building began Wednesday morning and as soon as s possible the foundation of the the- Duchesne building will be begun after a halt pending a decision decision de de- de- de as to methods of drainage A recommendation by the archi archi- teds and approved by the Board after atter a a telephone conservation with Mr Scott architect provided the laying of drain tile the foundation of the building an and ana extending eastward to the slough north of the Mutual Creamery It ItIs ItIs Itis Is thought that this drainage will do away with the seepage trouble which has been d in inthe inthe the elementary building Mr represented Mr Scott at the Board meeting ana ann Mr C. C A. A Tolbo one of the contractors contractors contractors con con- tractors also was present at the meeting regarding the building program Miss Anna Stark who for t tr t-J t past three years has had charge of ot teachers teachers' tr training Thing at the thc Weber College in Ogden was appointed primary supervisor of the Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne School District She will have the supervision of all aU teach teach- I ers of prim primary ry grades throughout the county The annual budget hearing was set for June This will serve as the regular July meeting it If was Wa J stated |