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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD GUADALAJARA h n I Animal Dictators Bully Associates Same as Humans Do yr"nywM; S' t V 4H;nin svV vih r; VS4ri. :T t- FABLESGEORGE IN ADE SLANG S' By Bell SytwJieete Science Service. WNU Service. T N A Mine Roof Cave-In- s May Be Predicted by New Instrument Slay Mean Prevention of Future Catastrophes A laboratory cage, two monkeys quarrel. One of them assumes command. That animal is boss. The other must dance to the tune he calls. Why does the one become tyrant and the other slave? This is a problem that a psychologist has set out to solve. It is one having many Implications for man In a world of dictators, political bosses, office tyrants and the petty A and glorified rulers of myriad other mens STATE COLLEGE, PA. new device to detect mine roof lives. cave-in- s and the type of disasWhy Is it that a man may be subter which occurred recently at dued and helpless in his home, but a tyrannical Moose River, N. S., has been become when he reaches his office deskl developed at the Pennsylvania This Is one of the universal hnman State college here. problems on which light Is thrown PTTint slave-driv- altars on stiff old knees. Girls knelt with crowns of thorns on their ALA JAR A, venerable city brows, and small boys clutched at Is one of the crucifixes. of Mexicos west. From Guadalajara out to the subMexicos tourist meccas. Lers run from Los Angeles urban church at Zapopan Is but a Kails short to Guadalajara. h trip by tramcar; hut during ftlk the city with the sea at an August feast peons hobble out Vill: still another system to It on their knees, taking all day. iu awa; lit with Mexico City, with the When prayers are over they stage a e off the Texas bor-- i costume play of Mexico, and depicting the Spanish , na-mg tk These railways, with the conquest of Jalisco. Then Indian net of motor , steadily growing dress and act the parts of - players make Guadalajara an acSpanish knights and the local Inie of ft Attribution center. Here cheap dian characters of that conflict In while labor, and recent years education has been pic power, ample thiet, raw materials stimulate taken away from the church, and er hav jdsnt These include the new generation tends to abanWs Industries. :d one don these mimetic dances and draiaig and knitting mills, candy iave fa-- , (cracker works, and shops matic rituals. iccfl if for their beautiful tiles and The chief edifice In Guadalajara ito flaii 'S. is the cathedral; Its twin towers rmonu e arcades that shade the rise over the city, visible for miles. a plaza On feast days stores facing long strings of lights side, many street venders. A hat Illuminate the towers, and at Eastler walks majestically along er the bishop washes the feet of en able 15 or 20 hats for sale, stacked twelve old men, chosen at random ioating oth-lk- e own head, one atop the from street crowds. ut own. Another carries a pagoda. Rushing to aid the king of Spain Some are In the Peninsular war went if string of sandals. many juaw, others of rawhide, and a men of Guadalajara. Legend says r skipy m.'de from old automobile tires money was sent, too, raised by meltm to into soles. ing gold and silver plate and candlevi try peons usually wear bugsticks from the cathedral In gratidrawers ; but custom now tude the king gave this church tethat this badge of rural Murillos great painting, The Asshall not be worn In sumption of the Virgin, still hangIle streets. So, at the edge ing in the cathedral though many pants shops are open attempts have been made to buy or I trousers may be rented. purloin It. ,eck your drawers there and Loses Popularity. pair of pants, as Impecunious The bull ring is here, of course; jun students may rent evening but such sports as boxing, football, js for a party! Changing sur-- j and baseball have robbed It of e standards, however, are de-jDespite its conpopularity. this simple Industry. tinuous appeal to the peon, who jL ns arrive In the city with glories in its cruel, gory combats, - of assorted fruits, guavas, and survival of a few other hatiny lemons, cactus pears as a business bitues, On the pavement is on the decline. ingoes. ("i little piles one kind Bulls from Spain are still sent to st here, another there; (hen Mexico City, where tourists help Jfioat down, silently awaiting nd for support the arena, and some fightp If you want fruit, buy It, ing animals are still raised on the weatai at ask questions, West coast ranches for Guadalais, candies, soft drinks, postn- jara. One of these is the old Rani evert ewspapers, pottery, medal-- f cho San Jose de Conde, In Navarlt, order the saints, small melons which dates from 1550. It Is one of led to J" on one side like a fishs belly Americas oldest ranches. Its outit In tb1 'thing from mule gear and :y a!' put of small, black, savage bulls iixlsto carved-woosticks went on for generations. To perfiligree balls for nan. petuate the fighting Instinct, the are spread out for rule on this ranch was Kill every tat ton tlie sidewalk. fe saris: bull calf that does not seem to hate W Merchandise cUe! In the Stores, men. Such a plan Insures a bull fee the a. large stores, of course, ferocious as any wild animal. One "a merchandise. Some Arner--j young bull on this ranch chased a Vec". men, wise In local ways, say vaquero up a tree and kept him i cost i if the stores dont carry the treed till he nearly died of thirst ry f iff lr hat or gown Cortez conquered MonteWhen wish, they mss it p native women soon make zuma and founded New Spain," he power hopping, if need be, from no had with him one Don Nuno de Guzkuna picture from an Amer-p'hio- n man, who soon rose to power and soon fc journal. Most lingerie, grew Jealous of his chief. Eager to nj up f E'l0t's. millinery, soaps, per-- f gain more honors and riches for midsiups and Jewelry are sold by himself, De Guzman, In 1520, quit a saih 4 merchants. Machinery, the Aztec capital, with picked Spando of 're- and such heavy goods ish troops and many Tlaxcalteean 300 ! ally handled Germans. w by Indian allies, to explore the unbut Americans are found In h known regions farther west and ,hP they, with the British, north. In their travels, De Guzman ltire Interested In mines, and his lieutenant, Cristobal de oatPowder plants, railways, or Onate, came upon a huge Indian Fighting stronghold, Nochistlan. jr ftJ buy any sizable article In ensued, and nearby the Spaniards 1 "Ie merchant whistles up a built their camp, a cluster of huts. Porter to carry It home for Though moved about later to variL'TSons of position would lose ous neighboring sites, a town was frying a big parcel through laid out about 15.10. It was named ws. Porters even carry for De Guzman's home town In a of Moorsliver coin to and from Spain, Guadalajara, from the ausand for some reason are ish meauing River nmlemted. then, of Rocks. From the king of Spnln H r"r d the dead man's bread the new town got Its coat of arms '' bakers sign may read In 1539; so it was really a white injio! Ml Souls day. At that time, settlement nearly a century before Oxlcans Iped believe, the spirits the English landed at Jamestown. 0110 f relatives return to dine Vd By 1500 Guadalajara had become irci !elr Emilies. The dining Important Its chief activity was s the an altar, and some Indian slave hunting, and the driv.70mp8 e served In strange shapes, ing of these to work In the gold and canly skulls, big and little, silver mine3. Vast fortunes were K' jrr'PS for eyes, ribs and log thus amassed, luxurius homes lll'e f chocolate, or cakes were built; and New Galicia, of tl tl,e form of coffins, which Guadalajara was the capital, churches In Mexico were then Included not only the present tos of ancient Aztec tem-,- f state of Jalisco, but much of what heads of whose Idols were is now five or six other Mexican hy zealous Spaniards. In states, reaching up to Sinaloa. 'relics fragments of henthen Visit certain old Guadalajara fam,bui, '"to the walls. After ily homes now and you are astonsMn built literally ished at the wealth and beauty of ,r . of. Mexican churelies. heirlooms from colonial days. Handnote Guadalajara. From made silverware, even table services 3il m a relied, building of gold, heavy Spanish chests hound ts IJn,'ns the way to California, In leather and copper, miniatures, crucifixes and old paintings, potion of the Peons. jewelry, mid rebels were housed In guitars. Inlaid with pearl, historic o'pe churches, with priests weapons, hand carved tables, and f'nrln f,le revo-- ' other furniture so heavy that It ran i flte faithful carried on. be moved only wilh dlillculty. The ."A enn'e for miles on their old hand made locks on front doors (, e churches. Old women, are often so massive that the key Itn'A c'nn,s and htnnics or self mny he ns big and heavy as a lr beads, crawled to the common hatchet, say a foot long National Geographic 8oc!ety. 8erVC-,-n-A- d W bet , side-befor- g old-tim- r, k- g d end-orna- te B bos The frantic and spectacular rescue efforts which saved the lives of two men at Moose River emphasize anew the hazard which roof collapse brings to mining operations and recalls the fact that 50 t per cent of all deaths In commercial coal mines occur from this source. Dr. H. Landsberg of the School of Mineral Industries has found that In all roof cave-in-s so far studied a definite break occurs In the overhead rock strata several hours before the final cave-i- n takes place. The shale and dirt, he found, support the roof for some time after the supporting rock has gone beyond Its breaking point Detects Initial Break. The secret of success of Doctor Landbergs device Is to detect the Initial break, in time to warn the working miners. His instrument Is called a convergence recorder. From Its use can be made predictions much like those a weather man may make after reading the barometer. The apparatus consists of two steel tubes which slide inside one another like the tubes on a trombone. The sliding tubes are kept apart by a spring and are placed in the mine so that one tube touches the roof and the other the floor of the shaft A movement as small as 1100 of an inch between roof and ceiling can be detected. Predicts Time of Crash. Following the initial break, Doctor Landsberg points out, the rates of convergence of the roof and floor Increase rapidly until the , entire mine roof collapses. By studying the rates of convergence, the exact time at which the Internal rock structure was broken can be detected and the final cave-Ipredicted. Further work Is being done along thi3 line by both Doctor Landsberg and the United States bureau of mines In an effort to establish a more definite relationship between the rates of convergence of the roof and floor of a mine, and the collapse of the roof structure. well-kep- n Wives Talk Silently in Caucasus Village : r - re-jK- h 1 l i ; - of Colorful Peacocks WNU SnHc Study of Monkeys Shows low Leaders Dominate T &.D-G-WN- Pretty Wall Hanging An sign language, in which married women talk silently to their husbands, has been studied by Soviet scientists. It TIFLIS, U. S. S. R. is an old Caucasian custom. An expedition of the TIflis Institute of Caucasian Studies found the gesture language surviving In Isolated villages of Armenia, Georgia, and other sections, and has published, a scientific account In this quick and silent a woman can represent a word or often a whole phrase by a single gesture. Candidates Get Name From Old Roman Custom AUSTIN, TEXAS. Modern politicians inherit the name candidate from the old Romans. But most office seekers never heard of the costume that fits the title. seekers were called candidate meaning men In white, by the ancient Romans, says Dr. II. J. Leon of the University of Texas department of classical languages. The nickname fitted In those days, because office seekers advertised themselves, wherever they went, by wearing wool togas, made superwhite by rubbing In fullers chalk. This was undoubtedly a convenient and happy practice, comments Doctor Leon, "but there Is no evidence that It did away wilh baby kissing." Office Indians Have Spinach That Has No Sand! WASHINGTON. It turns out now that Indians in Arizona eat an Indian sort of spinach. They have been eating it for years, and liking it. The plant grows plentifully around Wupatki National Monument In the Hojil Indian country. IInpls prepare It Just like w Lite mans spinach. by the study of monkeys now be- ing conducted at Teachers college, Columbia university, by Dr. A. U. Maslow. Numbers Are Important. The size of the group 13 very Important In bringing out bullying behavior, Doctor Maslow has found. When three Individuals are placed together, the situation Is entirely different from what It Is where there are but two or where there are four. When Doctor Maslows animals were paired, two by two, It soon became evident which were the most Benny Made Some Sketches. dominant monkeys in each conceivable combination of two. Then he duction at the rear of a Blacksmith BECOMING BEACH-BROKE- N Introduced the third animal and the shop. In order to Insure future Success he took Pains to make his Start picture changed. Perhaps the neweven more humble and Inconspicucomer was more dominant than IS truly said that here In dear ous either of the pair already In the than that of Henry Ford. of the old the Jim Columbia, But Of cage and became over-lorcourse, the Sequel Is Just as Ocean, Opportunity knocks once would the other two be leagued hard to guess as the Plot of a Door mans at and everyevery Movie. It turned out that 8,000 Facagainst their common foe? No, In- thing turns out great after that, undeed. less the Poor Rummy happens to be tories In various parts of the World In the back part of the House at the wanted to use the Invention and In Strong Oppress Weak. order to do so they had to pay Benny monrhesus the time. Always, among keys, the strong are joined together Certain it is that if you will grab so much per Day per Machine, which as a scheme for getting colagainst the weak, Doctor Maslow ind strip almost any Great Execufound. Here Is a morsel of fact for tive seated at a Mahogany Desk, lateral has an Edge on all of the the study of those interested In hu- you find on his Person the lingering other standard Grafts, such as Bootman conflicts. legging, Beauty Doctoring or getting CalKathryn, a playful, Evidence of active monkey who apparently had louses, Knlfecuts, Dog Bites, Cldg-yer- s real Money for All the People In the Universe bewithin her the stuff that rulers are and immediate contact with a made of, but who, because of her Strap having a Buckle at one end. gan throwing Coarse Money at Benny and Tessie and every time small size, was always oppressed In other Words the Important they took In another $10,000 the who sit In elevated Splenby any other single animal with whom she might be placed, turned dor and rule the World by Phone quaint old Birthplace began to smell this bit of monkey psychology to tvoluted from ornery Kids living In worse to them. They had so much good account. mail Towns. Most of them started of the Needful that they were disIn the larger group, she who had out with a Village Curse on them gustingly Rich and the Going was so always had to take all the abuse, ind what was supposed to be a easy that Benny had practically no Business Hours, so they suddenly l suddenly turned on Whitey with ex- Handicap turned out to be the realized, to their Horror, that they The others treme viciousness. Boost. belonged to that disreputable SecIn and a the her The various Forms assumed by poor fight, joined Whitey was bitten, beaten, and gen- tittle country Tadpole before It be- tion of Society known as the Idle erally abused until he had to be re- comes the majestic City Bull Frog Bich. So they began using a lot of moved from the cage to save his have excited the Interest of Many Perfumery and subscribed for Magawho write for a Living, but Howells zines telling about the Didoes of very life. g Spenders. ind Tarklngton never told the Half the They knew that they would have of it Termites Now Known in Rufus puts on a to follow Precedents and get n Every Drama as he moves In Spectacular with the Gang. They had two Every State in Union Fashion from the Spring Wagon to Youngsters and Tessie had the natand It Is only fair ural Inclinations of a Mother and the Rolls-Royc- e CHICAGO. Termites, whose to add that usually the Comedy In- shuddered at the Idea of turning them over to Hired Help but what timber-ruinin- g activities have terest predominates. All of this Blah leads up to a could she do? Likewise, Benny was caused a great deal of alarm in Rube Consideration of the Case of Ben a kind of an American cities, are now known Husband was he and saddened by who Nowhere started from to exist in every state In the Union, Flicker, the Thought that he would have now can between ind distinguish UniProf, Alfred E. Emerson of the real Russian Caviar and the kind to avoid being too friendly with the versity of Chicago reports, In the that Is blasted away from Sturgeon Wife or else It would cause Talk. current Issue of Science. Vermont, They saw a Hard Life ahead of In found Chesapeake Bay. Michigan, North Dakota, Wyoming them. But they could not resist the and Montana are among northern HE FINDS HIMSELF THINKING Inevitable Urge to move up to Heada could taken Peek have at If to the termite you states recently added and pull the Loud Noise. little Benny, trotting along the quarters list. So the two Prairie Chickens got However, Professor Emerson adds Board Sidewalks of Buscom Center ready to be a couple of Golden and emphasizes this need not be during the Period, and Pheasants. cause for added alarm, or even for sized up his Sandy Locks, the honACTING LIKE THE BEST genus est Freckles and the Ostrich Neck, surprise. The winter-defyinPEOPLE of termites are not Invaders from you would have said: Here is a Next we discover Elizabeth (nee the tropics, as has frequently been Lad who will go on and on, working asserted. They are native to the for Two Dollars a Day, until at last Tessie) trying to Coue herself Into temperate zone, and cannot even he will have Money enough to per- the Belief that she enjoyed blowing Smoke through the Nose and letting live In the tropics. Fossil evidence mit him to Join the Odd Fellows. That would have been a reason- the World know what Nature had strongly Indicates that this particular group of termites has lived In able Horoscope and that is how it done for her below the Knees. She much the same kind of climate for started to work out. Benny com- no longer attempted to keep Tab on pleted his Education when he could Benjamin. They occupied separate many millions of years. spell most of the Long Words in the Apartments, with a Long Walk In Back Part of the Sixth Reader, and between. Level of Sea Sank Half went to work In the only Factory Benjamin Flicker, soon to be which had dared to open up In Bas-coknown In the Public Prints as B. Mile During the Ice Age Center, ne bought a pair of Sturtevant Flicker, had Joined a Overalls and proceeded to get them Bridge Club where he was Meal WASHINGTON. Once as soiled as possible and for several Ticket for a lot of Boys who wore Glasses and Spats early in the great Ice age, about Years was Just one of the Hands. Tortoise-SheAlong about the time that Ice and had seen Better Days. One Reaa million years ago, the level of began to he used In Soda son for his punk Playing was that the sea was 3,000 feet lower Cream he scrubbed himself all over he had to smoke Cigars which made Water, wanow the and Is it than missing one Morning and got a Close Shave him dizzy. He had been brought up conter was piled high upon the and went out and got Married. The on Lottie Lees and he had no tinents as Ice of great glaciers. Young Lady who took the Long Chance with a Super Corona but he to the was This picture presented Chance was called Tessie, that be- was a game Bird and took his PunreNational Academy of Sciences ing her Reel Name, and her Parents ishment. cently by Prof. Francis P. Shepard, would have been all right If Ma had In the meantime the Offspring as a University of Illinois geologist, how to keep House and Pa were staked out at a select Frlvate result of his Investigations of great known . School which was laboriously trainhad not been a river-cu- t canyons of the sea floor, from the ing them to he ashamed of their una House bought Benny some of them 10,00 feet below the and Loan Association. couth parentage. oceans surface or about twice the Building You know about the other Ben Those of you who study the Rotola Grand canyon depth of famous flying the Kite, and Newton being gravure Section and have seen the Arizona. and Watt getting Snap-Sho- t of Mr. and Mrs. B. SturOne explanation of how they were hit by the Apple In a Tea Kettle. Well, and their Impecunitevant Flicker Interested coasts the of formed Is that the was ous Guests on the Bench, world were raised up above their one day It happened that Benny with some of the Machinwill he Interested present position during the glacial tinkering Bean happened to he to know that they now have 10 the and considery Professor Shepard period. to him that Pairs of White Shoes, 11 Wardrobe ers such a gigantic movement In working and It occurred If the coming np nnder Trunks, a Gold Cocktail Shaker and Dingus large as times scarcely relatively recent The smart little Neurasthenia. a Cog Action could he thrown Into creditable. Instead he told the academicians a lateral Sqiilwey by substituting Luncheons staged by Tetc ore of hy nil thoe who that it is much more reasonable that an Automatic Approach for ttie highly spoken to Free Food and any the sea level changed due to the hand controlled Lever, the Capacity are partial withdrawal of water from the would he doubled Rnd the Lnhor of Caddy on the Fast Coast will tell , yon that Benny can play any Club oceans to form the great sheets of One Man would he saved. In his Bag except the Woods and THE DISGUSTINGLY RICH lee that covered the land and that the Irons. KKetdies some and made rivers rut the underwater canjous Benny MORAL: The Income Taxes are sent them In and rot a Patent and now being discovered. too High. Pro Model and small began a built IT Stone-Bruise- 1014 IIow rarely one sees a peacock with all his lovely plumage displayed I This proud pair of colorful birds will hold tills unique pose as long as vour wall panel lasts. Youll want it ione In a short time, of course, and It wiil be, for the actual embroidery goes very quickly, using only single, running and outline stitches. You may use either silk, wool or cotton floss, but remember the more colurful It Is, the prettier! Tattern 1014 comes to you with a transfer pattern of a picture 15 by 20 Inches; a color chart and key; material requirements; Illustrations of all stitches needed. Send 15 cents In coins or stamps (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle, Needlerraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. mud MUMD PROiL Try a Can TODAY s, Pop-Cor- STREATOR-SM- Per-lonag- prln-:ipa- CHEVROLET DEALER Offers about 60 CHEVROLETS 40 20 OTHER CARS All Popular Make a 36 models to 28 models and are backed by our Written Guarantee C Term G. M. A. Used Trucks Bi Trucks Good Trucks Sta kes Small T rucks Pickups and Hyd Dump Bodies Prices and terms to suit you. When in Salt Lake City riait out self-mad- e g FORDS AND ABOUT night-bloomin- Puff-Sleev- ITH BIG USED CAR DEPT. at S05 So. Main Stf Salt lake City New Pipe 1" i2", Structural Steel and Plates 150,000 feet Used & Sizes Monsey 70B Iron & Metal Co. Ut Ui Sail 3d Vat City, ltd KODAK FILMS Developed and 8 prints made 26e coin; reprints, any else. He each. Write us now tor special iriflofforaud free wuniiur supplies Its easy bo mall us your films. LION PHOTO SERVICE, Box 351, Ogden, Utah MM Torment soothed -heating aidedbv Pojsontvy Sunburn Chafing Itching ll sa SAIT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY Oar lobby I delightfully air cooled daring the summer months Radio lor Every Room 2 OO Room 2 OO Batha '1: Bar-Fly- --iE ' 4 1 1 n L f j5 HOTEL Temple Square Rate9 $1.50 fo $300 The Hotrl Trmitw Siaro ! etnioe liiglilf drslrnliip, friondlr it linnisr ltire.Ynu will slwavi I iiliatS tiprrniely contnrinM, end t horoualily ssrfsLIUni cart tliorm fore utMiratan! why thia hotrl ftsi 4) HIGHLY BECOMMrMU.D You can also appreciate whyi tt$ 0 mark of distinction to atop T at thia beautiful hostelry RNEST C. ROSSITFR. Afe |