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Show KNITTING NEEDLE KLATTER I MR. AVT MRS. LEW CHARLES MILLER returned Saturday from a three months' trip hunting trip In British Columbia and Alaska. They were .accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Mead of Chicago, who havs accompanied ac-companied them on several other trips, both here and abroad, flailing from Seattle Se-attle In August, the party made the trip to Alaska and Into the Interior, where they begged the big game and have many wonderful specimens of the hunt. Returning Re-turning by the Canadian route the latter part of the trip was through British Columbia. e e e Glrard V. B. Hale, the Satt I -eke artist, and his wife are both actively engaged In ambulance work In the war sons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hale havs received word from their son from a gas hospital where he had been taken knd was recovering recov-ering from a gaa attack while on ambulance ambu-lance duty In a new sector. Mrs. Hals Is doing hospital ambulance service for the Knrlleh just outside of Parts. Both Mr. and Mrs. HaJs were among ths first Halt Lakers to go over and have both I been la active service for more than a ysar. I 8 truth will aa wlihar r-.i-.ni. M. Mra. H. u. Buyer, on r.l(hth avenua. Mr. and Vra Cliff Thomnaon (Miee Nana Bryant) and Mlea He mm C lover hara raturnad from a waak's flatllng and hunting (rip le Bear laka. a a a Captain Arthur McOhryatal paaeed through Halt Lake recently an route eaet to a port of embarkation. Mr. and Mra. John McChryatal and daughter Robbie of Eureka mada tha trip to Halt I.aka to aee thalr aon during tha faw momanta' atop-ovar atop-ovar hara. aaa Mr. and Mra. w. A. Wight hava received re-ceived word from Camp Zachary Taylor, lmlavllla. Ky., that thalr aon. Lieutenant Wright, la convaleecent from an attack of Influenaa. e a a Mr. and Mra. C. E. Groeabeck, formerly of Halt I.ake and now reafdlng In New York, are apendlng a few week In Halt l.ake. They hava been extenatvely entertained enter-tained alnca their arrival, and other af-falra af-falra of an Informal nature will be given during tha remainder of their visit. Mr. and Mra. Uroeabeck will go to California before returning to New York. . m m . I A lovely picture oT WfiTTmUhirinng Kearns appeared In the Hunday Ran Fran Cisco Chronicle. Ths psrturs was mads of Mra K earns In her wadding suit, e e e . lieutenant Walter Tiwrence rhllUps has joined Mrs. Phillips, who Is wrth Mrs. Thomas Kearns. for a short furlough. fur-lough. , see Mr. and Mrs Adrian P. EW r4 ehll-dren ehll-dren have taken the II. W. Walker home In Cottonwood for ths ismalndsr of the falL e e e Mrs, W T Phillips Is hers from Man-Ihaitan. Man-Ihaitan. Kan. Mra. Phillips cams to attend at-tend ths funeral services for Thomas k earn a. e e e Mrs. Mors ton Cheeemsn and children have cloeed their country home and will be located at the Prescott apartments for the winter, during Mr. Chesamaa'a absence In government servlcs. e e e Mrs. George 0. Gannett arrlvsd Saturday Satur-day from Han Frsnclst-o and la with hsr sister Mrs. C. R lHehl. on A street Mr. and Mrs. Oannett are making their home In Han Francisco temporarily, where Mr. Gannett Is doing government stork. , as ... Jsmss H. McOee Is spending a few days In Halt Ijake and Is stopping at ths Nsw-houee Nsw-houee hotel. e e -e Mrs. O. N. Tfft and daughter. Miss Catherine Ca-therine Ifft, who spent ths summer and early fell aa guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. KHngsndsr at the Plandoma hotel, have gone to Washington, D. C, where Miss Ifft has entered her second year at Chevy Chase school for girls. see Mr. and Mra. Sol hi eg I hava sold their home on Kaat First Kouth street and will be at horns at the Hotel Utah, s s s M. and Mra. William F. James havs sold their horns on Kaat First Houth street end will spend the winter la California. s s s Mr. and Mrs. Vent Hardy nf Berkeley, CaL, are guests of Mr. and Mra. Waltsr Pa Jsnnltigs, s s s B. J. Pugh of Pittsburg, who has been residing In Halt I-ake for ths last faw months, ra turned to tha feast Wsdnsaday. s s s I I Mrs. Ross Season Mlss Elvis Bong) is recovering from pneumonia at her home on Hberman avenue. e e e Mrs. J. J. Pevereaux and Miss Josephine Joseph-ine Ueveresux have returned to their home In Pueblo, after a short visit with Bait Laks frisnda. see' Mr. and Mrs. W. R Thurston are visiting visit-ing Mr. and Mrs. Kdward A Vandsventer In Oakland. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston j are motoring through California, see , Mr. A R. 1 wis Miss Kdna Hhepard) i is spending a few weeks tn Halt Lake and la at hsr apartment In the Covey. e e e I Judge and Mra. John A. Marshall havs-leased havs-leased the Calvin home on Kaat Houth Temple street snd will be at home to their friends there in the near future, e e e Ths many friend of Mrs. Paul Kevser will be glsd to know thst she Is slightly improved sftsr a severe attack of influ-enta. influ-enta. see Mrs. Paul King and small daughter are at home for tha winter at the Hotel Fifth Kaat. Mra. Robert Allen, who Is a guest at I the home of her father, Hamuel Mclntyre, ! on Fifth Kaat, during the absence of her I husband. Colonel Allen, In France, has tons to Idaho to visit hsr brother, Pierre Lclntyre. and family for several weeks. see Mrs. D.-C. Wat aon of Twin- Falls has returned home, after a visit to Mrs. R. W. Dpenglsr. ' see Mrs. O. P Cherdron hss returned from a two months' visit in the Ksat Mrs. Cherdron spent the me)or1ty of tha time i In Chics go, where her daughter, .ans I Wltcher, is attending the University High I school. , see i Mr. snd Mrs. (Jsrffsld Tracy, who have j reeentlv arrived from Loe Angeles snd : will maks their home In Halt Lake, will I be welcome additions to the srtlstte circles cir-cles of Halt Lake. Mr. Tracy Is an artist I of nets snd Mrs. Tracy, who Is the youngest dsughtsr of ths Isle Iorenso 1 Snow, president of the Mormon church. hss been successful In the motion picture field, both aa a scenario writer and on ! the screen. e e e Mr. and Mrs. Fdinund Kearns, accompanied accom-panied bv Mrs. Kearns mother, Mrs. C. H. Jenklnson, hava gona to their ranch In Nevada. e e Mrs. J. T. Keith hss returned from a three weeks' trip to ls Angeles, where she went to enter her daughter. Kath-srina, Kath-srina, at ths Marlborough school. m ' Miss Frances Johnson of American Fork. L'tsh. spent Thursday with friends hers en route to Seattle to vtsit relatives for si a weeks. see Mr. snd Mrs. R. J. Rsddata snd family will be at home to their friends after November 1 at their new 'home. No. 19 Hex ton place. e " e Mr. and Mra. Paul K. Rav are spending- a fw weeke with Mr. Ksy's mother, Mrs. W. A. Ray, oa Third avenue, e e Mrs. Clsrence TK Milner hss received word from her father. Hens tor William H. King, that Mra. King and the two babiea have been III with Influenaa, but were recovering when t ha let ter waa written. e s Mrs. C. W. Ittlnanson hss gone to Louisville. Louis-ville. Ky.. to visit her stater, Mrs. tiuy Rondot. Mra. J. C. Hsrdv, formerly ef Garfield, has tsken an apartment In the Canning during the absence of her husband. Or. J. C. Hardy, In military aarvloe. e e e Mra. Haset Jones of Logan te ths guest of Mrs. Klisabeth Coray In the Kensington Kensing-ton for a fsw days. - - -- r - see Mr. and Mra. J. M Fisher win motor to California to spend tha winter, e e e Mrs. Reward P. Klrtlay and daughter Jean, accompanied by Mrs. Klrtley's father. fa-ther. Oeprge T. Ode)!, hsve gons to Mi-oon, Mi-oon, Oa., to Join Captain Klrtley, who la stationed there. e e e Mra. Albert Fisher (Miss Edna Darling) Dar-ling) snd baby daughter returned Wednesday evening from California, where they have been with CaptalnaYlsh-er CaptalnaYlsh-er at Camp Fremont until his trfrisfer to an Ue stern camp, awaiting overseas servlcs. Mrs. Fie her snd the baby will visit for the present with Mrs. Fisher's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Klroer K. larilng, oa First avenue. I e e e Mra Milton Belfusa Mles Betty 1jtne I returned early In the week from Csmp Fremont, where she has been with Mr. i Be trues, who baa been sent east awaiting orders overseaa. Mrs. Frank Glenn My- era (Miss Ha l ma Una) la also In Salt ; Lake and her husband Is at ths Great lkes training school. Mrs. Reifuss and : Mrs. Mvere will be at home for the dura- i tlon of the war with their parents, Mr.! snd Mrs. K. H. Lane, on North Mala street. e e e Mra. Jsmea D. Shsw and email snn F.insrson have arrived from Han Joes Cal., to spend some tlms with Mrs Hhaw's sister. Mrs. Foster J. Curtis, st the Curtta home on First e venue. Mrs Hhsw will be remembered by msny Halt Inkers ss Miss Hat tie Nicholson when shs visited here several yeara ago. and was well known In musical circles, being a vocalist of some note, snd since going lo Han Joee to make her borne has continued con-tinued her vocal training. e e e Mrs. F. A. Weaver hss returned from Denver, erter a stay of seversl weeks with friends. , see Mrs. Oscar fltraub. formerly Miss Helen Roer, will return to Halt Lake early in the week from Manhattan, Kan., where i pm haa been with her husbsnd. Major Mtrauh, who expects to go overseas soon. Purine; the ihnf of hr huphand Mrs Hslloween hy the Mlses Anna McCor- j mU k. Vivian Varley. Margaret Nd "or- inlck, Alva J oh r eon and Lucille Hancock hss been poetponed owing tn the Influensa Influ-ensa quarantine not being lifted. Plans ars now under wsy for a dance to be given neat month. e e e Mr and Mrs. W S. Henderson hsve aa their gtirata Mrs. A T. Moon snd daughter. Mian Yvonne Moon, who came from New York to attend the funeral of Mrs. Moon's son, Arthur Morse Moon, see Mrs. E. M. Csrnett has gons to Kansas JCZmJ-J trl3C3ZBEE- .-.-In- m, Jasper A. McCaRell arrived' yesterdey . from Marvsvale. Utah, where he has been ; on busmss. i see Mrs. Fl O. Howsrd and Miss Mar)orte Howard returned the letter part of the week from a several weeks' trip in tne ( Kaat During their abeenco they vielted ' In Boston. Chicago and Omaha. In i Omaha thev were gueeta of (he K K. ! 1 Calvin fa mil v snd Mrs. Jsmea Austin, j . Mra. Howard's daughter-in-law. , Sergeant Fdwtn Pea bod v. aon of Mr. land Mrs. A. H. Pee hod v of thle city, haa ! been selected to go to the officers' train-I train-I Ing camp at Fortrees Monroe. Ve. Br-geant Br-geant Pea body hag been stationed at tha I Preatdao. I r Mr and Mrs. Walter Tewls have re-'turned re-'turned from Lancaster. Wis., where they ; were called by the death of Mrs. Lewis' I mother ton days ago so j Lieutenant Fisher Harris la now to-, to-, ca ted at Camp Meed awaiting orders for overseas service. Mrs. Harris and her 'mother, Mrs. C. S. Vadnor, are at hosso at J1 First avenue e o e Tha dance which was to Itavs been gives) la the Ladies' Literary club oa j |