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Show I MANY HAPPY RETURNS ' Grocery Leader Finds Motoring Pleasant I ' ' ''' ' Hi fifty-third birthday anniver-wry anniver-wry Monday found S. B. Eert-arn, Eert-arn, managor of Zion'i Wholesale Grocery, unconcerned. "It'a Just another day, another year," said Mr. ERRertsen, who receives congratulations con-gratulations from The Telegram. Native of Prove, he was graduated grad-uated from Brigham Young university univer-sity and later from New York university. uni-versity. He has been with Z. C. M. I. atnee 1915. "Motoring, hiking and arguing" form his hobbles. Trips to company com-pany branches in Utah, Idaho "and Wyoming give him opportunity to combine the first-named hobby with business. He holds directorships In the Consolidated Wagon and Machine company, 2. C. M. I. and western division, reconstruction finance corporation. A strong home Industry advocate, Mr. Eggertsen seeks coordination of Industrial activities In the west. "As things stand, we frequently hurt each other hy short aighted-neas aighted-neas and by not aiding others who are building up the west." he said. A dinner Monday evening at the family residence, 1225 East Fourth South street, will mark his anniversary. anni-versary. The Telegram congratulates the following, whose birthdays also are Monday: Mm. May E. Weat, president, Re-bekah Re-bekah assembly of Utah. C. Oren Wilson, dean of boys, East high school. Clarence Balrd, attorney, and his son, Bruce Baird, 6. Jacob Peterson, 75, retired business busi-ness man, 130 F street. Mrs Frank A. (hrlatenaen, 557 First avenue. Mrs. Rebecca, D. dinger, 818 East atreet. Mrs. D. P. Broun, 70 P street. Mrs. axieorge A. Faust, 601 South Twenty-first East atreet. K. Ray Cooper, 1022 East Eighth South atreet. S. B. F.GtiKJtTSEN Rcxvata Home Industry |