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Show Traffic (BEDDs Wait-. Legislature SAFETY GROUP SPONSORS NEW UNIFORM CODE Clarifying Sought ' For Junior Police Standing At leas : four major pit ces of legislation, held necessary for traffic traf-fic safety in Utah, will te submitted sub-mitted t the 1941 legislature which corvenes January 13. This was apparent Monday after a check of numerous legislators and state agencies. The Utnh Traffic Safetj council coun-cil will be a central point fcr sponsorship spon-sorship of traffic safety legislation legisla-tion in an effort to make tlie state one of the safest in the n ition. The four major traffic safety bills wen expected to be 1. Act 2 of a uniform traffic code, denling with drive's' and chauffeurs' licenses. 2. Act 5 of the same uniform code, dealing with actual control of traffic on highways. 3. A b 11 to clarify the slanding of school Junior traffic po ic patrols. pa-trols. 4. A hill to amend a statute giving thi1 lax commission discretionary discre-tionary rwer to revoke mil suspend sus-pend drivers' license, the present law haviig been held unconstitutional unconstitu-tional under a decision in a Third district court case. No Traffic Programs A check of numerous legislators revealed they had no traf ic safety safe-ty progrt.ms themselves, 1 1 at they expected the Utah traf fit safety council o present a progiam. These legislators expressf d themselves them-selves a. vitally Interest e in the whole field of traffic safely, however, how-ever, ard indicated interest in forthcoming proposals. The V nh traffic safety council has beer formed since The last legislature In 1939 and. tterefore, has become sort of a centra agency for all t -affic legislation, at least as far s state departments are concernel. All state depi rtments concernel with traffic ate mem- , bers of the council. The council already has recommended recom-mended acts two and fi e of a uniform code drafted by the Na- -tional Conference on Street and Highwaj Safety. These icts. altered al-tered to conform to Uta'i condi-' tions. are to be submitted to the legislatu e. Junior T raffic Patrol As a result of a meeting last Friday of the council's executive corrimitt -e, the council's legislative com mitt e will draft a bill to clarify t ie position of set ool Junior Jun-ior trafic patrols. An attorney general'.1 opinion has hi Id that school lx ards are without J uthority to delegnte police powers 10 Junior patrols, that only local pace authorities au-thorities may do so. The 'xecutive commi tee In- 1 structed the legislative o mmittee , to draft a bill that woul 1 permit boards if education to organize, maintain and control Junior traffic patrols. It also would relieve school boards of libability. The attorney at-torney general's opinion reld that, under present laws, school boards could b! held liable for mishaps to patrol members. Judge Herbert M. Scliiller of Third d strict court has tuled un-constitu un-constitu ional a section of the drivers' driv-ers' license law giving the tax commission com-mission discretionary power to revoke re-voke or suspend a licence If the commission believes a driver is habitually reckless or negligent. To Seek Specifications R. E Hammond, commission member said an amendn ent will he sought specifying ty irs and number of offenses upo i which the com nission may revoke or suspend sus-pend a license, so as to n eet constitutional con-stitutional requirements. He sai 1 the commission 1 as asked the National Safety counc 1 for advice ad-vice and that the commission legal department is ready to wdrk out a proposed amendment. When the legislation Is drafted, he said, it will become a part of the state traffic safety council's program. Anothr possible piece of traffic safety lgislation is a bill providing provid-ing for chemical tests for suspect-,ed suspect-,ed drurken drivers, suci as the "drunknmeter" used by he Salt Lake police departmert. Such Icgislatim has been recommended by the National Safety council, but extcutive committeemen of the Utfh traffic safety council have net yet made any decision. |