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Show Poilus Return to Broken France j V' -J ? f C i I- ;A f rv'- .'.- I :; igf-jrK 5 Rev. Paul Ackermann, left, Portland, j U-SJ-. Ore., Methodist minister, and Professor k!" " f Edwin A. Sanders, English instructor at A kiss and huge bouquet awaited wounded French soldiers sol-diers as they returned to France from hospitals in England. Eng-land. Red Cross nurse greets this poilu as he landed at Toulon, France. In background is French battleship Strasbourg. Aided by comrades and crutches, French soldiers debark de-bark from hospital ship Canada, which brought hundreds of them from England to Toulon, France, where they're pictured above. They elected to return to France. Rev. Paul Ackermann, leh, Portland, j Ore., Methodist minister, and Professor Edwin A. Sanders, English instructor at ! Pacific college, Newberg, Ore., go to a federal road camp at Fort wis, Wash., because they refused to r?gister under the selective service act. Tl icy were sentenced sen-tenced to one-vear terms. "kf sp .a ( rv r px 'J Ht . ; ..usar: 1 1 1 vmmmma j i Pacific college, Newberg, Jre., go to a M "ill ffi federal road camp at Fort wis, Wash., t m , m because they refused to r?gister under 't . tjil j the selective service act. Tl ey were sen- ; ;- njf 0 tenced to one-vear terms. ttt, .H ':X.C I..: .jfc ...... J ..4!7ZtK:- .-fc. I .. .. Ji " Here's the first picture to reach the United States showing show-ing the king of Greece "on the front" in Greece as the tiny nation battles Italy. Above, King George II (center) (cen-ter) in glasses, chats with RAF and Greek air force pilots at an R A F base. Verne Marshall, chairman of the no foreign war committee, reads seme of the thouP sands of telegrams received at his Cedar Rapids, Iowa, home in answer to his broadcast broad-cast request for the names of "common people in the middle west" to be used as signers of a telegram the commit ee sent to Prsident Roosevelt. His 4-year-old sor, John Randolph, is at right. The army's no place for softies, but age has nothing noth-ing to do with it. Private Harry Wohlfeil Jr., at Fort Custer, Mich., has attained at-tained the ripe old age of 15. He's believed to be youngest soldier in the U. S. |