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Show Scenes at Colorful Inaugural of Utah's Governor i iii j , . v . r. ' ( L - Vj IN SOLEMN PROCESSION, INAUGURAL GROUP MOVES LP STEPS IN CAPITOL Governor Herbert B. Maw, left; retiring Governor Henry H. Blood, Brig. Gen. W. G. Williams ( v.. y PROUD MOMENT FOR THEM THEIR JON BECOMES GOVERNOR OF UTAH Herbert B. Maw congratulated by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Maw after ceremony Dreams of His Parents Come True As Maw Assumes Office Duties A dream came true Monday at i th state inaugural ceremonies for a gray-haired couple who newspaper street salesmen. In his address. "Mr. Tracy has been an lnsplra- tion to me, and I value highly thi precepts of honesty and inriustrj which he taught me," he said. smiled with pride from their seats in the honored section as Cover- I nor Herbert B. Maw took his oath j of office. They were Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Maw of 333 Denver atreet, parentt of the new governor. Thla It one of the happiest days of our Uvea," they said In unison. "I told him (Governor Maw) this morning how happy I was and how proud t will be when he makes the best governor Utah has ever had," Mrs." Maw said. Their pride and Joy reached new heights as their ton paused to pay them tribute In his Inaugural Inaugu-ral ddreiw, thanking them for the heritage they have handed to him. Mrs. Maw, wife of the governor, and membert of their family were near by. Governor Maw also paid tribute to his wife, first lady of the state, and to Russel L. Tracy, "godfather" of Salt Lake City's |