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Show APPLICATION FOR TRADE NAME. MARK ANDOR DEVICE Stat of Illinois, County of Cook-ea. -iSi! B'mn- o'1" "rat duly sworn, .rTVni secretary oi the Dad Root Boer Company, located and doing buslneea In Chicago. County of Cook. State of Illinois. That aald Dad Root Beer Company I th axelu-slvs axelu-slvs owner of th trad mark described In the specification acompenylng thu alftdavlt: that the aald trade mark Is In us by him la the buslneea of the manufacture man-ufacture of root beer and root beer eon-centra eon-centra te In the State of Utah; and he clalma aald trad mark aa th trade mark under which good or merchaa. dlse ar manufactured, prepared, handled, han-dled, sold or distributed by him, and w.w. vuiu w. uiauiuuiaq oy nim, and that a copy of the above statement haa been published one a week for two consecutive week in a newspaper of general circulation published In the State of Utah; and he petitions that said trad mark be recorded In the office of th Secretary of But of the Stat of Utah, in accordance with Title S, Utah Code, annotated. 1943. DAD 8 ROOT BEER COMPANY . By Lota la Belman. Becretary. SPECIFICATION To All Whom It May Concern: Be It Known That Dad's Root Beer Company of Chicago, County of Cook. Stats of Illinois, being engaged in the business of manufacture and aal of root beer and root beer eonoentrate. adopted for Its use a trade mark, of which tha following la a description, or facsimile, th word "Mama Bl. together to-gether with - a fanciful portrait of "Mama- Bald trad name, mark and or device to be used generally as follows, by affixing af-fixing a label bearing aald trademark to the bottle or other receptacle containing con-taining the Droduct. |