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Show r- fear horn like Ik fiewrra la your 7r eaa hit all tht HI ef fma paint, reoflag. er rrmodtllng . . . now Is the time tm Ua aa a lew-roet modernliatioa luaa from DK8ERET rcurRAL . . . Lang tarns aa low aajBMBU. ta suit lour taaiKUi-T.' KM or bESCRIT FEDERAL LOANS to $2500 34 MONTHS TO PAY NO DOWN PAYMENT Jeers B. KJat, Pres. f y n Alas B. Carr. tar;. 1 ' '" o hi .. Aivr.Tisr,Mr.NT . TORTURED BY PAIN OF ARTHRITIS? Nafalaa Palas at Arthritis, Ibeaatav tiwa, Nauralf la, call fee awUk-axtiitf leaaer-acttna SLOAN'S I Way eadure painful aaiaary that aaakaa work asoajr and daatroya your rttt Taaisht pat aaaaa SLOAN'S oa th adunc throb-btnc throb-btnc eraee. SLOAN'S la poteat. You doa't rub. You juat par it oa. teeeen akowa SLOAN'S acta fartar . . . acta Jonjar . . , to help jrov gat nUof. You 1 aa! it work. Almoat immediately yon taal tao warm, surajoi drculatiaa that teUeaee aacaatioa aad lenaaaa" tboaa aagslag kaota of pale. Yon relax. Yon not. Pat oa SLOAN'S lieanei paia atrikaa f 1 from broacaltla I etraiaea, acmas mue I ctaa-lumbato. At all I enieatemei S3. TO, i 11.40 (giaat Mm). - O CLOACJ'G rot ACHIS AND PAIN I " 7 yaws m trwatoa' mU Im relieviaa pafcfl ,;ilif! a -Jgjp5v,lth Harmony Hsu SUP COVER and DRAPERY FASRICS W?y l aKV1 ' Cot a lirea old room oo your hands? Then disguise ill Decorate ifl J WAtl StV Dromatize il with sparkling tiewi slip covert and draperies, k'l . l'lli 1 0 easy and such fun to whip them up ' !h these Harmony " V VV; IV 1 J House. dropery fabrics, niolce your choice in flower' ' I J jmJy ll'ipet or plain fabric . oil planned to go together. i( ij; v j --.r. Rpg.- 1.19 T- mW i 30 In. Wide- J ?" wjllh . : J y 1 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 095 Ml Regular to 13.95 ,V ; --fUJSm Cheerful flowers and scrolls stand out sgalnst the fresh white Claa-tl DaMtAJ rlatnU or solid colored background on thla soft, heavy chenille apread. rlUIUl rliniUU 11111 1 Z " Well made of fineat long wearing cotton. Many pattema to hrvM frnm 1 Thraa attractive patterns to aelMt cnoose from. , from. Lor.ly color combination.. . . iuu u-ineh width. Dreaa up your Dam JO . house lor jChrlatmas. lBy 1 .07 v u U"MAT SETS a. imh a t N ' - Attractive floral design decoratea this a?-f iMTTlmmmd . v ' . aet of thick, velvety cotton chenille. ' . J Deep pile la firmly stitched to a can- Printed DrODQfa Pr" 1' vaa back for enduring . wear. Extra aiufju j I large, 27x39-lnch oval mat with atand- . . ' " . I - V I ard alM lid cover. Pick one of these Regularly tO 8.98 I , 1 1 I pretty colors blue, rose, green, peach I 'IV " I or gold. , ... 2Ki.Yd. OOft 'W f --J Unth y If ' ,S A large lot of 2'i-yd. length " TZS f. v ' )4 draperies have now been great- ,aX v. S'tS ft' V ly reduced. Made of floral S ZZiZZ&r I'T1 i,j , printed texture fabric or dainty ' . ... ' - ESBa'"' f'-f-)2&'if& 1 eateen. An excellent gift item. BATH MAT SETS r r ' Regular )98 f-f lfj.--'' Color accenU to sparkle gayly in . A-J, i - ''Si-'' , v 4 your bathroom!- This matched set -4'J .- I C '7V. i ? L. t'T.VfiA-' C is of aort fluffy chenille. Quality ,V"J t'.n -rvJ 1 1 , rJrSSi yarna autched to heavy canva. ftV I i I Ifi iv 1 1 "1ZMrLx -Ll Washable with carfc : Chooae Ks fV Jp '! 'VNT M VJ&JfJ! color to Wend with your scheme . ' VA3 VU J -505 blue, dusty rose, , green, or f W'V' VAV Z peach.. You'U Ilka Sears budget- 1' N" ' ''' XsVT , sparing low price! ., .; .:.'.. C'' j SHAG RUGS Ll 1 24x3o-ineh 098 V Cotton Marquisette six " ' JL s - Curtain Yardage Thick,' fluffy ruga give real softness ' 4 J look gay and attractive in any Informal ' S i - j 35 Inches f? ef ' aettlng. Lovely peach, green, blue or - S ' J xajij 3ff rose color. 21x3ft-inch aize. S ' ' J Wia ksf V yd. ai..ali . - C '- Vina cotton marqulaatta. Mtea .a: 4.70 S weahable quality. Attractive fle- S UraS woven battams la a larse i a -m:mm i aaaortment of color oombinaUoas. I" " " . a-" 1 ' t " I t a FuU 3 inchea wka, ; ' 'Vplrwlst'. 33'H - 100 L LOOP RUGS WOOL BLANKETS WOOL BLANKETS Prlseillo Curtains 24x36" : 098 Jumbo 72x90" dO Jumbo 72x90" AOA $! . V Six. 0y Six. VVtt 079 398 Loop woven In to prevent America' outstanding blan- ' Extra heavy 4-lb. 100 virgin pulling out Easily laundered ket makea an ideal gift Jum- wool. jumbo 72x90-lnch alze. Fl. WOv.n plain m.rouit. Blue, yellow, peach, green and bo 72x90-lnch alze. 33i Attractive rose, blue, peach or Dainty nsuraa p.ttraa. or nurrV 24x48" ! I . f.29 S blndfnr" 4''nCh "yn oiooap pttxifcczfclysui izumep. 6tu& ffPIV MAIN AT BROADWAY SALT LAKl CITY DIAlWt6l CMior. It la a gstentifie Fsel can ta DfllfIB rjilli USXS Because Wonder Bread .Contains 8 Body-Building Elements That Help Build Up ' Naturally Their Resistance To Winter Ills The foundation of good health is good nutri- when you buy it and fresh when you eat it. Uon. And iht foundation of good nutrition is : Because Wonder Bread is slo-baked baked 13 good food. longer than many ordinary kinds for lasting freshness. That is why Wonder Bread can help maintain , So get nourishing doubly fresh Wonder Bread your child's resistance to winter ills. Because from your grocer today. And see that your child gets Wonder Bread gives to your child 8 of the body- plenty of Wonder Bread this winter. . building elements that Nature uses to build a good V caaHuaiaisafaasCaM. health foundation. v' - Give your child Wonder Bread and other good ff " H&r ' nourishing foods. See that he gets fresh auexer- Jj ' f . 7;";' ,."V .V cise and plenty of sleep. These are the " 5'i ) ''""i things that make for good resistance. " ' And your child will love Wonder Bread. . , S Because it tastes so good. So good because f so fresh. I 1, i For Wonder Bread is doubly fresh. Fresh . ' . " ' 2aMeilia$inc'W,s,,,,,: ; j . ! ' I '(fr latatu. I jj;.l A,MMaC4aM.M I t " '" i l5i'' JZ -" I if - c " - i CrlV. r4U'-- I ,7 rr2Xl 1 ua - . . 'J CAn . Irviii u, ri-" . ' ,.--Cf ,-.--: v.. i f - t i |