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Show F ' " ! ' . - - , ' , v ' i f" ' . 1 '. " - . . -A-.-;.--- . - To grow and prosper, children need the best of care. A savings account , is a comfortable, convenient emergency reserve of aistance at all times. Why not save now so that your children S&Bt can receive the protection they need r rCKV in the future? We invite you to (q&J a open a savings account with us. VP J iiifttjvgiiiiiii;e iiiijjrgri (mi.,.i:v I Member Federal bepoelt Inauiuca Corpwmuoa Always Trovol THAI LW AYS to the NORTHWEST SEATTLE 1680 POmAKD .....I430 ASTORIA 16 SALEM 1510 EUGENE ..1600 . WISE... 6V TVIll FALLS .... 505 CU.1LEY M" Me 1114 rWerelTes Uav Salt Lake) Trailways Depot 9:30 .m. 3:30 p.m. 9i30 p.m. MLM See Pfceee lltll Me l f I OiSin pfPil THE FOOT DOUGLAS EXCHANGE rort DouUa. TJteh. attends Invitation to any and all Intonated parties to I14 oat S loU ol assorted uow merchandise located at rort Douslaa. Via. Seaie eiesjslei ef atercsese'lie are ei fefewt: After Shove) Lotion Wallots Hair Tonics Pan Points Tobacco Povchts Shampoo Pipos Ink Swntan Lotion Writing Tablets j And Many Other Itomt Pom to be used and Instruction tor bidding on this merchandise My be obtained at too office of u rort Douslaa Kachaoee, Fort Douslaa, Dous-laa, Utaa. Tbls merrhandlee mar be Inspected at an? time prior to 4 p. m, Dsesmbsr . !M. by eontacunf trie office of the Fort Douglas Ex chines All bids must be la ttoe bands of Eichangs Officer prior to 4 p. m., December . 1M4. All bios for this merchandise will be opened In public at the Port Douslaa Kicbanae, 1 p. m, December , IS. y S&ll gaJu fftles ram 143 So. Main St, Dial 3-1811 aubserletloa. rete: Dally with Ik. Sua-Say Sua-Say Salt Lake Tribune, (LSO per own lb by nail in Utah. Idaho. Wyoming and Nevada. Daily only (2 devil. Sl.30 p.' month. ElMhre In United sialaa, 11.73 par month with the Sunday Trleaoa. Dally only. SI. SO per month. -Published evenings eze.pt Bundsy. Cn-tervd Cn-tervd at post office et Bait Lake City ea second elsss matter andar set at slareh a 1S7S. The Talsgram Is a m.mber of the MO elated Preea. The Asaoelated rrees Is as-olualvely as-olualvely entitled to the use for publication of all n.ws diipatcbas endued to It er not otherwise credited la this paper an also the local eswe i v CHECK GIIIFFLES ivA BREATHE FREER r V Two drops of Penetro Nose I L X Drops In each nostril Chech. IZ tvL v watan-r now. soothe oold lr-I lr-I ViO VI rttated Basal passasea. Yon , t, -v breathe freer and feel bet-Vre bet-Vre ter Immediately. V only VV directed. Only tie, toe. v Get Parte tro Koee Drop. 1 FOR A .MAN OF TASTE , A Gift of Luxury i i r fts? CM Creel rteoes J ' r fneev Cetera... f fiiMet eTeeims Specially Lmmtd y american woolen caj For a man' Christmas, an for a man's pleasure from now-on, a gift of Royal Cold Crest Robe is the ultimate of perfection in richness and style. The supreme) e quslity of the woolens, the superb tailoring, the quiet distinction of line and design, are the unquestionable indications that a gift of a Royal Gold Crest Rob is a gift of luxury-that will linger longest in memory and satisfaction. . Just one of dozens of fine gif Is now available. May we suggest . gloves, scarves, sweaters, flannel shirts, belts, bouse slippers, jewelry, among otbersl Until Christmas, Store Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Arthur Frank 208-210 South Main St. x 1 -j j Cotton goods are precious- WHITIM TMIM SH1T WTTW Ptorll IIACHIM Beat Meaea the NISI HUT ' Ma Bavsssrtreaed sluts. e Aa uncontrolled bleach, thai varies ia strength, may ctuie you to vrMri your cottons sad linens. ThU oxidize fsbric thieada. They -weaken sad tooo fray out. Beaca the CfJITIC WT " artta CeeAmadatnea Pareal Every bottle of Pures hat the uaae strength, tame correct bleaching action. Uied as directed, Pures . mmr ovetbleachet. It provides Controlled Action because h i purified pu-rified and stabilised by the Intnfil Process, txtlmsii with Purtx. Cottons and linens come out fresh, scaia-frec sad snowy, tttj to aue!...fo harder on things thsa ordinary washing. At ysr fraerr', tHI CONTIOlllP.ACTIOH SlIACI NTH TO 1ININS . tni ruaix sx aiaurr Mrn J Q BthtttmfiU, ares'- f " ira arsy m thtm I ' ' aW disnftt kttco. I I as swi SaVreSai. JL M turifia Ink md 1. Ji sfrsve ... fTDsm f j ttttunt nJ sank I f ,7, J ...makmtiU mid L JJfJ e traUm tMt r" V I PtlUw uaj dirt V J Ma) as ituU. S J esr' .lin ira esuaa mmmm e f'fh '1. Smart scuff of leopard clotls, ' J soft material marked with ' dramatic leopard skin effect. 2. Shearling crossbsnd sliroa ' j with shearling sock lining. ii i ' - rs''r Jf Faille lining and platform cover, r' ' ' Vv'syJ'000'' Leather sole. White, paatel blue, 3. Mule of braided rayon utin In Tjy'V 3.99 white, pastel blue or pink. Also - JtyM. X.' Ia metallic silver or gold at .43. . . . V f . VSkj, ' 4. 'Shearling' with imart California" VJ 'L platform. Leather sole. White, pink. Via red, pastel blue or royal blue. CHANDLER'S 6boe Store 11 Vf; Pies send sns lb talloaiBf Upmss Slippam . i'iJr Style How many e - . 2nd jT.s ' nember pairs? 3" color ' $399 Addreea.aka,e. 39 j0 ffan City awvee..ew....ZoMaee. .State, .ee,..te CimmtUclmMe.Addl5tftmailit.Jf&0.IX . ADVr.aTI8g.MKNT A Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal Creomulalon relieves promptly because be-cause it oe right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed In-flamed bronchial mucoua mam branea. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulalon with the undemanding un-demanding you must Ilka (ha way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION (or Coufht. Chait Coldi. Bronchitis |