Show STAKE OFFICERS i f 10 MEET In With the slogan Everybody Ev take stake church during Jul July LIberty officers rs will op open n their quarterlY conference Saturday and Sunday July 7 and 8 8 wIth a campaign to inCrease summer attendance In Inward Inward ward and take stake service will begin Fatur- Fatur The c conference nce I day evenIng at 8 o'clock i in the T Tenth nth ward chapel with sessions for tor men and boys of the stake iro ro- ro lessor fessor J J. jI H. Paul of the University of Utah will address th the boys and andI I senior presidents In all Seventies quorums ot of the stake will be speakers speak speak- ers In the department for tor men Sunday there will be a a. special service for tor everyone verone In the Assembly Assem- Assem bly hall at 10 a. a m. m at whIch Elder G. G Smith presiding patriarch patri- patri arch will r represent present the general au- au Elder Ehler Hu h J. J Cannon editor of the Improvement Era willbe will be Included among the speakers and Dr Frederick J. J Pack ot of the of Utah will discuss n. n survey survey sur- sur vey made In regard to returned mIs- mIs mIsi i I There will be a a. general n at p m. m In tho Tabernacle and In the evening e meetings will be held In sIx of the ward chapeLs of the stake designation ot of whIch will be made at the Sunda Sunday morning m meeting eUng I A. A Stevens is fa h heading a commIttee on transportation which will endeavor to have direct transportation provided for tor as many as 1111 desIre It for tor the meetings on Sunday Special musical programs will be provided at all services |