Show Back After 1 11 1 Months Spent in Europe Alter After spending more than eleven months in Europe r. r and Mrs J.E. J. J E. E Bamberger Bamberg r accompanied by their SOn and law daughter Mr and Mrs Clarence Bamberger arrived arrived ar- ar rived In Salt Lake FrIday afternoon The party was met In New York by Mrs Ernest Bamberger Mrs SImon Bamberger and Dr T. T B Beatty Despite the long journey from Paris to Salt Lake T. T E. E Damberger Bamberger who was Injured In an automobile accident near Verdun France last August was wa-s reported to be much improved by Dr Beatty He was Wa accompanied here by two nurses from ParIs Mr Bamberger who Is president of 01 the Bamberger Investment and Exploration company Is 76 years of age He suffered a shock and a slight concussIon In the accident whIch occurred when the automobile automobile automo- automo bile in which he was rIding went vent oft off the road He was confined In the AmerIcan hospital in ParIs f for or eleven months Europe Is beginning to come back to prewar conditions according to Clarence Bamberger He saId It Is just starting In its phase of prosperity prosperity pros pros- and is very conservative despite aU ali that Is saId about the bolshevist movement Europe Is AmerIca for lasting peace he saId The famil family is at the Hotel Utah |