Show r COLLIES s' s ANNUAL N J JULY i Clearance r BE INS TOMORROW Hundreds of Charming Summer DRESSES All Broken I and Odd Lines at atI I Reductions t I frit AVE Now in COLLINS t f JULY CLEARANCE l Broken Priced Lines for forE t tl E Quick Clean Up S SUITS Tin in the July Clearance uy for School Now and Save co c o. o a o 4 b It tomi y y J M r t J WORDS are worthless for describing de de- scribing the amazing perform l. l once ance of the new Portable Vie Vie- trola frola number Two fifty To say that its tones are richand rich and deep its volume as large as life itself is not enough You must really hear bear it yourself your your- self to appreciate its startling powers of reproduction Indestructible cabinet covered COy cov- ered cred with leather finished fab rie rIc Detachable winding winding key key at a convenient angle Records stop playing automatically You must see this great lit tIe instrument to realize its value Visit us soon and hear it play the latest Victor Records e 0 1 1 r r De Deauville u lle t ChilO Chil Chil- O Outing u NO INSTITUTION ON SVERY d dry ren n s Hats LOWEST J CP ENNEY G 1 SToRE A Hats 25 PRIGS LO LOCAL Many 1 l New V e C VERY EVERYDAY DAY 0 t Styles Y see I J 7 7 Display i quality always at a saving South State Street Plan You iII Never Find Seconds or Merchandise of Doubtful Quality f T Thrift f News NeW J brio bring g many changes but the they do donot not alter the Se Service twice Principle of Our Store r. tact at d Have You Yau Received Your our C Cool 00 I S Summer ummer F Frocks Fk roc k s B Bathing at he Ing S Suits e Delivery Th That at Well i lIVe Ge Give Y OU oil C Comfort L t for Boys and Girls Truck Yet And Save You Mone Money tf J it f Even when the sun shines E. E send Every time vox sy 1 r r I r you rou ce re I few b brightest rIg h test you can be coo cool 1 and an d A dandy suit in the popular smart if have or sev sev- grey color piece one style ou y you one cents towards truck strongly sewed for service Sizes y os ill rt Iro probably b IS bl 1 n never rr receive era eral I of 0 f t these h ese summer 51 silk lk dresses d 28 to 34 I they made wIth sort short h are very C. C Ir n h r your I mt sleeves f for or greater com comfort f ort mm I ts If list n. n expense J t C t I rev ren S 00 I lire ere rl id t to pass the on Buy Them Now Wear 0 to yell OK in Loves rr Prices Price Them All Summer PI Play ay S Suits e Think it over end Jt It An n exceptionally t. t lona 11 y a attractive tt rac t. t Ive die oJe which twitch litIS seems emu the more o price t tempts mp t s even ven th the e most mos t th n f 7 9 C ty to invest in In several for comforts comfort's com com- forts fort's sake l s Cool and easily laundered ot of khakI weight summer Sizes 2 to blue 8 years twill One or 4 G 9 8 of at our 1 values too C Childrens Children's i rev s I U e S. S Suits l Nr lon Flat Crepe Crepe- U d. d Rayon n les Crepe de Chine for Boys In Women Misses andS and'S and I S 98 C S Junior Sizes 49 C A A. lustrous cool summer ummer- Each one is charming sim w combination we e I g h t rayon on combination Ply yet smartly styled in pre pre- weight Summer fine ribbed garment nicely made and elastic cotton otton union suits short pastel shades strap modes PI Plain aln co colors 1 ors anC sleeves and ancl short legs white or shoulders shoulders elastic knee drop ecru Sizes 6 to 16 years seat Sizes 4 to 14 years V very e ry Pretty Prints j I Lingerie Has the Approval That Women of Is and mart Printed ran Misses e eHas K IE IE IP C Q l It is as gay as the springtime r and just justas as smart as can be bel 1 Our Tropical Clothes Assure PrInted frocks dr are no smarter I t f than the lingerie that is worn un un- Comfort with Style n der them hem these days I Clever Printed Our Tropical Suits are designed de for or style as well as comfort In in hote hot E r e Voile Garments weather shape retaining and vell velh g e go l c tailored throughout g re e o r ra a 7 di e b garments Cool S summery are especially VOile j I. I 90 r dainty when they are 1 t step printed panties 1 Offered to re brown tad and teddies and gowns at this plain blue and P ed effects economy price 6 y I fi i Take advantage of these values l s Other Hot Weather Suits Women Women's Outing at 1375 to 10 1675 picnicking Save Sav your better A good g od stockings quality cotton when you stock stock- go 3 Pairs 0 e She Shirts KI Khaki y ke P Pants ants tan all u la I ing In black or regular sizes here at s. s IV 25 e C Wash Dresses Are Best M Mens Men's n s 's Blue e or Grey reY Sum Surn- For fishing s or touring F For S. S weight vier-weight r eight Chambray Out Out- weight summer khaki cut or Summertime Play Hour full and nicely finay fin fin- roomy ay 3 i g Shirts Shirts- sizes from to 17 Cut full fuU and roomy room All I regular sizes Girls all like no skimping l these c crisp dresses that 9 come ome up smiling after several wash wash- Outing Hats Straws Straw's ings Here are cunning styles styles' for The fhe most advantageous miss mIss 2 to 6 and 7 to 1 smart O-smart ones ones 59 time of the summer to buy C a GENUINE PANAMA for miss miss 11 to a a. GENUINE l or SOFT STRAW HAT Is Of better bet er quality NOW In this grouping atwith at- at wIth fine or coarse wire til 98 C 3 1 9 8 for screen hiking ventilators or fishing Ideal Cool Cool hat y 0 and comfortable 2 98 abt a 0 U UnIon e Suits S. S SAILOR Such Pretty PlaId ChecK Ion l I E ENS EN'S NS N'S l STRAWS In all the new an and d N NO ovelty Patterns hat straw bands bands' weaves all and styles colored In 89 C some one size nt- nt Bright light colors colors colors prints Mens Men's Athletic style Fine 1 49 plaIds an and checks the price to too is IS an Union Suits Suits full e 1 one t th at mothers approve wear elastic Cut side full Inserts Inserts' all itU for sizes extra j W i 1 r t. t |