Show Mrs Rae Hale Dies Following Long Illness The death of Mrs Rae H Hale le wife of E. E E. E Hale former Salt Lake newspaper man and publIcIty dIrector tar tor for the National Parks AIrways Inc was mourned Friday Mrs Hale who had been ill for several wEeks died at the family residence Sixth avenue Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day night Mrs Hale had been a a. resIdent ot of Salt Lake for four years She came here with her husband from Wash ash WashIngton ashIngton Ington Ind Besides her husband she Is survIved by her mother Mrs N. N W. W Martin of 01 Seattle Wash and four children Robert D. D Hale Margaret Margaret Mar Mar- garet Hale Ethlyn Hale and Richard Rich Rich- ard 1 Hale Funeral plans have not been completed Burial vill be beIn bein In Salt Lake |