Show Hickman Case May G Go Goto to U. U S S. Supreme Court LOS ANGELES July 6 United Press The Press The plea ot of Mrs Eva I to save my son from the I gallows has the Intention tion to carry the case of William Edwar 1 Hickman to the United States supreme court Attorney Richard Cantillon said today Following the decision ot of the state supreme court at San Francisco Fran Fran- cisco orderIng Hickman to han hang for tor the murder ot of Marian Parker Cantillon received word from I Kan Kansas ansas an- an sas City that Mrs Irs Hickman wished defense counsel to continue efforts to prevent her sons eons execution Except for a United States supreme supreme su- su preme court ruling executive clemency clemency clem- clem ency remaIns the only hope for the slayer |