Show 1 ii Wool Market l BOSTON July 6 AP Tio le Comme- Comme cial Bulletin tomorrow will wi say eay The week In the wool trade baa been exceedIngly dull luU PrIces have shown lit LIe te chane although the market lt- lt still ors favors tIme the buyer boUt both here amid In the western markets There Is a distinct dIspositIon In all al world markets to await awalt the openIng of t the he London sales Tuesday The offer efter- t of hales bales constitute he h smal small est eat quantity ever put up for a July series In London in a Bradford Brad Brad- f ford ord are that 1 will wil rule firm and merInos may slightly favor the buyer The goods market still languishes but i Is s not without some features and the trade fully expects a 8 good repeat repeat re- re peat business In weight heavy G g. 11 the courle course of oC the current month Mohair Is slightly more mono and I very vey firm In prIce The rail rai anti and water shipments t I wool wool from roam Boston Doston front 1 1928 to 1 JUly 5 i 1928 1028 Inclusive were PO pounds ds against pounds for the same perIod last year The receIpts rec from January 1 I. I 1 1928 to July 5 1020 Inclusive Inclusive sive were pounds against pounds for the same perIod l last ast year The he Commercial Bulletin will wi publish the following wool Domestic quotations om OhIo and Pennsylvania fleeces fleeces-Dc- l athe unwashed halt blood combing three eighths blood lug Ing quarter blood combing Michigan anti and New v York flo l amb unwashed half blood combInG combIng 48 three blood combing WisconsIn MIssourI MissurI and average New England England blood 46 1 tOt three three- tee tee- blood quarter blood 53 I Scoured bass basIs twelve months 1 fine eight months Northern California 1 10 1 1 15 mid die county 90 10 Oregon Fine and fine cloth clothing coth- coth Ing valley valy No I 3 territory lory Montana Montana and similar Fine Fine staple chofe choice half blood combing 6 11 three-eIghths three blood quarter blood 00 1102 Pulled Delaine AA line fIne A 4 super It A supers super 15 l al bag Texas sprIng Texas Texas' kid goo gool 1 original bag bag Arizona Arizona and New Mexico Melco orIginal bag bg average twelve months Oregon 70 Graded e stock r o f good I |