Show t t i 2 tiff i i 1 I MEDALS S i DENVER DE lYER Colo CAP AI i ten r green en of Galesburg Ill and J J. J I I Stokley on Ligon Of of Santa FeN Fe N. N Mool Moo 31 l i toda today w rn named as the winners rs ot of oti i the 59 7 gold medals awarded annually annually annu- annu ally by Outdoor Lite to the two men ment menI t I contributed the most notable not not- able accomplishments to the cause o life Ufe conservation Tie T Award w rd Is s made mado by the Outdo Out Out- do i Life award committee to one n livIng east ot of the MIssissippI and to one west of the Mississippi t v n was awarded the J 11 9 on E for his achIevement In demon demon- II skating the possibilities ot of prIvate i I game refuges refuge on farms Each Isach year ear he harbors as many DI as ducks duckson on hIs farm fann near the Mississippi est ot of Galesburg and many ot of th then his place so well weft that they i refuse to follow the southward flight but in spIte of I ice and subzero subzero sub sub- zero weather stay all wInter the theaward theaward award committee declared In making makinA mak- mak ing inA Iu its recommendations I Ac by LIgon In furl furI fur fur- l I game conser conservation In the southwest t caused the committee to toI I award him the wEstern honor In making the award to Ligon the commIttee in Its rep report rt declared The state game commissIon of 01 NEW Mexico has just published Mr Ir s 's report on his survey ey of 01 the wild Ute life resources of that state The report Is entitled Wild Life LUe ot of New Mexico Its Conservation and Management ana ement This award Is rec- rec because the LIgon survey sur- sur vey y embodies an great future fu- fu lure ture significance to game conserva consena Oon throughout the country It attempts attempts at- at tempts t to appraise the condition ot of the wild life resources ot of a whole II state In terms ot of their social value and to set lIet down aown a s specific program ot of just needs neros to be done to reo re store each fach of Dt them to productivity |