Show we pay 6 per cent per annum Interest Inter-est on One Dollar or Thousands Zlons 1 Savings Hank Trust Company 1 3 8 Main street Wilford Woodruff president George M Cannon Cashier Have you visited the Dress Cutting Academy S28 Main St Flrstcla board l for one ar two persons ions at reduced rates Apply CAULK PIANO CO J W Va ant Mgr 239 Main St Au rieur rlellt Is politely entered to doll he dines sumptuously nmldst till the surround Ings and luxurious comfort In the dining din-ing cars of the Union Pacific It 1L I No other line out of Utnh conies them Ticket Office 201 Main Street A great many of the best ladles ol the city have been visiting the New Dress Cutting Academy SIS Main Stand St-and 11 large number have decided to take a complete course of Instructions r UTAH COAL 11 Castle Date and Winter Quarters 11 Lump Nut and Black D J SHARP Aeent 71 So Main bt Telephone 429 I I CITIZENS COAL CO U west Second South Tel 43 W J Wolitenholme T U Ellerbeck I I I STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS K 4 Ibh lIanl ont Cbmenercial Stol and 1 I g4gh I all 9 rd a laetrool eeurIU fil Iooobt and lid I It St oc L I 11111 I > d 31 une bought 1 oiel Inntmon ur 111 trom hUlnUm Ito I i toeor lutr I cool I 11I eelV C DO be 01 UonIlOlL 1 JOHN U CUTLr1t n I Tel 17 0 Main Bt 3 I k i I1EEP MONEY AT JlOlr FIT 11258VI 11A I I f 111 Tn TnE A iVll 441 4 i 1 HOME I I i FmRE 1W IT j OF UAH i 114 I I iHEBER J GRANT COt I aonor1 Agents I Havo You Soon the o Pos run Doxt It Is jlte bllbcb bout powder Ask < orlt IA I I I J I CLASSIFIED WANT COLUMNS Ads received after 230 PM will be found on pago 2 MONEY Tn LOAN I LOA N ONLY MY OIN MONEY 1ncD nu tit ay L 11ew4 Our 1 ODU I no elltlr compDny nV 1 I to tnL dell to nn te IAV Ut no no tn Icol opUon r1rltd RUSSI L L TIIAOY 40 Cammrlt block 1nrmnlN k CO 21 WEST SECOND Sunh hDVU mD 10 1 at 10 rate lrIYllc I goo Ioooen tuy Imo WNF1 TO LOAN V1 lewl r J SUII cr0EIrdifelcL1Aery h ner Inr ir short or luiurtlmo Al ply liyJIiill L toNui UnNirJYI rr T VUCil A lloteruon I O box I I U IR U lake CUT A11411 111 1 AS 1111 A q t I I 1111Vi II IIEI I N A91a0 thno od gi1 In I 001 lIn I I Iu I mnko 11111 If 14 c F1tId1l11t1oa 1111 cr 11 If al1 1 I III Say tha h I I 14 I dnoron I or at nil delrlmnnl 0 I turtlarntatothat Vtol If peculiar I flulr III the 1 JIM Iho lie f I 11W7 Y I 1 llnll 1111 I 11 Iur retained Fall tho but I I rnol 1lnrd ra11fc 1g A 111m hholen 100r onoloeloy 0 rNorth < Seond Wt CAJIIIII9 PARK niionr noouiso A our truiiioN or 11 rncUoo do t1I III r roc K 1 Lvylnco unit 1launrornstostrelt I 71 4i z A IAIIII IIIn1t WT1J ANT I elmin been 1111 ro1 nnd 11 t cot c-ot III and 2nd bivet Return to till tile = iiA N TER t VI KM OHl IMUlfSTHI IN till Inlt 01111 record IIletorproJUn lnJCBlm rt should 1uol read tho Ihooeul el e yen se 1 10 11Uu r nmJOlo peI lhollP Ioblthlog Uu 4InstIftbftrvot ow York JiY Mils 01 O Y WALLACE tll 101 poon face I 0 good cool I A IAV OF LIVUY GENTLE YOUNG mII 61 et1111L both ot 0110 color Jno A liubbs Sei Main street City I A GOOD MILIMC Auiiitr PAYBOX Holler Mllli 1urson City Dish II10M oln TO FIVnilDMHro HEAD of cattle to herd on abundance truss and iis re Iruss I I r rnr b terms 1 Samuel IIr Iou k Mo nald Cu UrlnkMah18 I SECOND HAM FURNITURE AT SOT SOD ftttto nine floods sold on rely pay Hunts M M HKFIL TONS STRICTLY STRAIGHT 1ULLD tlmolhy hay to to or 1 Iced barley 10 foliJVood I oats Apply I fee I I willlomion I II Htt lint touth street Room 71 Salt i LaKuCllr I IOU IHNNril 12 TO a life YOIT OFT no l i moats veretables to ko coff = olditur at Kimball Block est ° n iff 0 at II 1 lest South UTAH CLEANING i TAILORING CO 011010 drlnw and repalrimr 1nits toad toAordli F lat rPAj lIalL Mwr TEN CENTS FOIl SAlIPIn AND TOST I fyim of tlc I tho I 111111 greate11 Felent fie I amuilnx a inalfuc f Del end at ono Usoru fpeulilltr Co 1 I 0 box 139 Halt Iako City CHEAPEST BEST ILACE TO nOY SELL and Ochimctmdhud 1lOUI1 > J t WANTEDMALM IIFIJ VOlt FALL TUAIll EA OOOn 8MES man to sell our specialties In drr roods I on thrd carowlslon JgutitF1 2111119 Ifor 112 lhllL OOOn MAN TO SELL OIIOOEISIFS TO rsoobmen In earlud loll mot have mt and give rctcrelites r Address llebomt Now IN EVERY LODGE AM COMMUNITY Itlir pay steady work I on Address fre t opora thin MOr Col HELP WANTED 1IO YOU VVAVTVVOIIKI Ito YOU WAST help Go to Ilerkeltath A Co the employment em-ployment people 100 last ticoud toutli bt 1 olophon 0 RELIABLE MrI EIIIWlllmE TO lurk upaclvertlsliurslinsi CJ earned weekly week-ly Hit uloluetonpo for mi eieTiinlTo territory 00 I P tliosn Iockln amruretc I NVI Win Ch rlgloom pany ijronc 1a SALESMEN THROUGHOUT Till DMT 001 SI lu 1 on rlory 1001 hoh Ie lOur alnmlnuro hlrlln I mrk 7 lirlcest world be per Lent excellent side I lric cfr rnna i dI llnei I mention territory uuslrfdf siimple irroisassortedstylesof I hairpins I by mall MM I trW leturnnblo The Aluminum Ca > Vooa socket It L II 15 TO SJ3 A WEEK AM EPf < FS paid mn tu11 eljo ulmws Uorlenne unnecessary W L None Co et IoUUIMo A OI11L FOR GENERAL 1IOUF won Apply at Romans Exponent No 2Qt Temp Tem-p al block SALESMEN WANTFI > TO CALL ON ffroOrry exples drurmI I 1 ve IN r i1 ir G Addr d do NI I right wSbbfr Manu MIMI UK Box MO Cincinnati OUIu LADIES CAN FAUN 18 WEEKLY 10 IIroolo work at homo no Cnvaaimr Iniloso self addrcshed rnvlopo for reply I Mlulinl Novelty Co lot lleeUman street New York WAXCI BY OIU CSTAIIIIblIEDIVili IIhlog 110110111 tlolo 1n1cLbb or elthur III an c I to t ell Zbgt be II 1folIt wild have Roti I luudl Llr fly Addre cor I ffit I = rIII IIVNINF l OPPORTUNIT1111t III YOUR oWN 1I0g WllYlOIIj AND sUre for u mtiiui salary ll fare I a It I uslneiis youn 11 pl I n D carried un prOIbly XI hllm byl < tl mottitudomen I hloru 00 Mrife for partculars to Wbotn COns Co-ns If ef dI a Iiiou CCSIOOI ANT JDl wom ALI work Iolnfeed 221 = 1 Et Eighth South FaItLk City 11 lIalllmur IMMESiP PROFITS IN MASUrACTUIl IliIT tho celebrated Make Itims WJ1 d 111 I will und a receipt for > 0 J W IN lley W Imtou 1 olsy th to North Carolina nikOJVFii iiA Aor > oi in ION FOII piirlfjlog iity tor lliUlailUfu tliOLomplextoli > a 1 an rice hall Una will lerbottle Klila 77 bboriaau Ao Jcikoy grN J vToiiTii rio me MONEY MAKING snrrts M ud 10 cents sllrtr and 3 ei at stuiuu to Art Mfir company un llalabrdm ttnwt Brooklyn New York IMST A LADIVS I IIUSTIO CSK GOLD watch anti ehln onoraro 4TM It I I oil anti I I so of h or Soo1 MT mUn I if boost Finder I et at 7H South Fourth EaSt I OUN 1 I ATU M 1 I DlIlilM I AlllILCONFril tiTolarrodlrtliinattes Iho owner can g ret then byprovingirODIrly r FDIC RENT An I I 0 U S Fit bEE i TUTTLE nnoa Ejll1 T 2 ilI I 1tions Vrloo I IO Main street A SUITE 0 11 TIT REL Fill oo < lirilROOM9 for > liouiikteplnit also furnish and un turulbdroomsatumS Main tF UlAlT ROUSES iou RENT IN different parts of tile city Goo U lu oam W West Sxula South 1 I tv 1 FOIl sLI REMOVALNOTITARTHUN FAUN t1 worth bus remand his blacksmith shop to rj Market street ImrinsloelncSl I AT A 1 MClIJrlCf A WEII JTAIt tithed 100 pACIfrTcE I ls water tuSnes Including w Is 1 tnuntallo good location I 11ro141 Smith Mln I Sebw1114 efir 0001 > IA III sfI1h1 FlOon luirnes nll JOhnoo Inlolro 1 E ioubsout6 Ta eAr u 7th south FOR 8MB Ton RI P A N S tor eots at druggistst Ono gives relief JAil IWCt SALT CAR mXEII nuT tit 1AIFfdROCX CJW unell = J Wist I Irst toooth street I A GUOI MIlTLAM > PONY tXUT AND harness Apply to J T Diinbar News office CALIFORNIA SHFEP kiFitsoss nn 5111111 I ifcl rP po JIF 11110148 rl i Iou 1caiiPbol ti miled by tolonion lenilt llalernllcld Cal Correspondent solicited CIIFA1FT AND lirsT PAINTING nnperbangliif signs etc la Utah U Mar r c at Ill ou TRADE wiAoiira roO i INH IANII In Lincoln cool Eddy II on h u bt or water rlvht nrnfirnilt afiiUUnlk ranclL I C0allSjrEr > 01 VAHIH IUTH CA III NETSbe OUDttS left at 71 Fan Second South will promptly looked alur tr WILl KEND TO ANN AKtUIGSS sample topics of our I loin and btatnn V auto I ViMiksi also Illuurated catalogue ot r books and l al a I I at for ten cem r TIie1 I t iWnTUle royi i1ttr1eett 1 3 dirA LorOY IM COA street TU l a furrier PATENT centurys sFLrAnI1SI Rri alc t 1 II i lJf I HI IT tliemseUesi send luctnts for sample Man liattan Muuufacturlni to lw ulton street 1 esr York MAKE 11110W 0 YOUR WANTS All 0 1 i KNOWN By Advertising Intro In-tro Nows ONLY 5 CENTS A LINE I finds for Ono Oak 5110 8 lines fa two Iu = It I Will Pay You To Do It I HAIIIATS I ITO I-TO WRITE ron HIGH ON INCANdescent INCAN-descent g bornorst ioeIIV 1 antics anti lswarol cry io w I1udn Illumlting 00 4toJackson street llobokln NJ AOhNTSOAN 31ANTIMA DAY EA4ILYt send too for sample and full particulars utirprlse I > npp Uo rot fullsado avenue Jersey city N J EYEKtWIIFRE EITHER SEX THE 7arema diamond t cxiiertH pnziled to detect toro a nuln1 Oer I Ill mlanldl I faar commission to agents tmtsliur aDd nm Pie or a I it free In ILI hL tti t shelf y Co tttato streeu Chicago I 150 WEEKLY GUARANTEED SPECIAL I combination offer two now 1 I cut 0 competition Lo VIr1te a once For exclusive 1 territory and free samples by return mall llraham Ion Ca I > C 4 Inclnnatl O TO SELL IlATTIFSHIl MAINE VIO tiirestinen uaklnir 110a dayl 13battlechips all color 11 1 > Cuppe 17 Ann ttt NcwYorL SEND FOR 0111 NEW CIRCULAR CM bratlntr 19 lllir arwhoopers the greatest Pair I tie novelties 1 of tlnso sllrrluir times udoyCo box 2K1 New lurk JIW 1 ATP P Pr1111 TALKING MA cblno big moupyl send a cent4 tor catalogue and wu In II 1 I > urphoohooo Ca 541 ad ATe No York i fcOIlOITOIK LADIES 01 OUNTLENI EX fZ fumlly trade Apply st IVcltlc lea i Loffoe to C7 1 ast Tlilrd South HUFt YOUR CANNED FRUIT AND jetlyt 110 labula printed sad gummed your f or r d vot asiort ° toe fo owIb fire DsnvluiTps tifmplei for slMp YOU HOVT HAVE TO BE A LE9MAV to sell N ray slide I Inure tliem on trial collect 1 afterwsrili wo do the snine wltbyou 01M abuilu I fell erl I Iki I ru required M to fW oallyi LOtomlMlon or or ar bpeolalty C IJepartmeut A Mul Gren irL Cblco AOPMS Fort TilE CHEAPEST ULRM kitidn at lat I inan Vrfuu Co 5rro New York AOfSTS WANTEUTRAVELIVO ton our Portrait Couvlntr f louaeIilir I commission 104d for lamplj IDf LKIII 11 1 CO M7 llowi ry New York AGENTS WANTED PLAYS IVIOS hi I1 llkfm od Ad lure In a 0O k rotaliflol IlIudrOle1 ctulouo rroo sZirtuis Ch MarshalUtfrrll Leckpom S Y AULXTS MAim HO DAILY SFILINO South Afrlcutt Diamond 1lua deceive ex Oallman = too loaO for chalkstone Im Pie And forma l1rovil deuco 1C 1 LUMINOUS SIGNS J rEd PLATE AND street flualfr darkest Inghtsi sampliarrec Thomss Co Englewood ilL A < F > TS7 DAILY TO SELL HE chilly Ill ad 11 r I r vum 1 hla no n ttu ruoryi I sampleou I fm Mto Soap C Ill Cincinnati u rOil JlFSTIIEIEST LUll 0 1IAXTfE else best heater nd eookr In I tile market oonuma a rce ut If gt some eat heat for u lorllo room l1weir71557 Third aveN Y TO JlAXIJL OUR 1IGUOJIAIJE PER fum sto ftwillea onlprACICal 10601041 protTls ItmfLtSttt ioStlS Louis i TO FEND FOR IILUSrilATEII OATA Ingot of watch s and Je elry Lajrlo tt atcli Ca CM roadway No jeolr4 11 SAMPLE i ou can DlSTItlllUTOIlS make 1000 por hundred ROTH dlstrl SEX blinnit r For L Eneloa to t OP06rOF term SHJs Pt hUg 00 I 0 ° I bulklurg Tem7lo I a AOENTS TO HANDLE GOOD META W f polish rnod ehanco for good wen 157 W reolhtsbhtl ml lotb bt Now f 1ieo WA1TFBTUUBTWOIITI1V PPKION TO travel nIoliol Io lie u v Pormanons pokltlon lofcrenc I n Dominion com papy tug Star building Chicago STEAM II ta TIM TI1F DAVID JA1IFS COBTEAMFITTIVO and plumbing Instill UC branches Nuft Main street P MOIlANbTEAM AND HOT WATER floating and TentUatlnf apparatus Nu 7il wc6tbeco uth hMVING MAC1IIM UOLailT SOLD RENTED BEPAIKEft f2 JoLnon U VE Ud ia TF 1 r I 714 A lflUT UP 8100 1IIOP V W WYNN II TTINO WITH marked suocem nltli his upurlzlii Inl > nlor snd nxonn dcpnsll I all 1 uvcr tile United Ho II I 10001 u ft room 11IIIImon block All FrhA troubled l I4 eDlarrh bchlI without or boy Sw fever shou IA os not r a HxjX I rr f the patient In erentnf rslllnff toelTectlt Dlseuftes of tlm eye tsr ru1hZillimetattnd hinor ond remain complaints 1lutely I ured afro I IVno elln roW Ity r J nulttl A out on Me 111CA110VAI LINDSAYIS DRAMATIC SCHOOL I ELO cution for 41 and 0 caor dramatic John arL 8 Lindsay 1uplis prevnred quillo Zll Soiilli Third Fast 1 SALT LAICF s ilOolo OP LAW APPLY 10 rcldeot Irot 11 biteley Ilwper blne IAHMIIHOKI AMI Jrif1AIt9 i WATTFiss si r m saTLOVAS ON diamonds watches Jewelry iTI LOANS i I n4 In 1 unrulocimil article Istabllslitil IM MUMCAl MISS M1NMP COOK LAIR 01 SIOUX City 1 la 1 CYpcrlinced teacher ot music r will tafeoa limited numbrrof pnpllsln volou cultur aron violin to terms apply room Z1 lNolrMVi o Vntil7nt soutli mNTlSTItY WESTERN IIFNTAf CO IS I AOIB Ft jA f Cxir tlol inI block lost set teeth tD extracting trio wlld rolderons Jltijli silver mllnJMs toilkis gold 6I11nI1I I CITY hCAHfIlt BEFORE HAVING YOUR CESSPOOL1 closets rreaietraps clesned see city I CUT olenned = sreVIM i V lost all chostsst o done lllujrmirth t Woods W south iTlfb 1 East IIEIumo BICYCLE REPAIRING EOTUIO AND novelty work IlTers IIro toO IVJrd Sout L DMnilFLLAS AND IAIJAFOLt COVERED and repalrml U aieycr Jl 1 Urstbouth PIANO WANTED ANT1 D TO llllin GOOD INSTHUMFNT offIrlyabiparty ApplyNaziNowsoflica lILMHINd AND TIN VVOItK Tim DAVID JAMES CO TIS AMlVuAL vatlldlrunworlt NaozAlftlubtrect PROFESSIONAL CARDS TI11CIANS 0 P HELUaJ sixth street ATTIIINt JT llawllns tIIlIot tsK atiurmnn n A Wilfwood Uanllas Tliurmn nod Wodznood Arron tTSAT LAW Offices Hooper bulldlnirSalt Lake CityUtah BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS J A BFADLUM 1KXHT BLOCK M D hFRN oriICE 41 EAGLE BLOCK BUILDING AND MILLING COMMERCIAL MILt A BUILUINQ OO 1I11U booth Third West street DUFSSMAICKIM MH CAROLINE WrATllALLti SOUTH N ot Temple INSURANC TilE NEW IIISTlIIIUTIOS fOLKl niSTMnOTWNffOLKl at The lua1 Life In C ° of N Yre II vy < Mjj 11 ver Mgr W Commercial Illock WETlmS JUNK AND 31ETAL YAm 1IFVHK1 IN RAGS SCRAP I RON RoT if metals and rublmr llv t market Is lisT CaVtoad Ints a rrvt f iEoutu State street ball I ake Uty Utah Cii L I iruj PALT LAKD COAL COMPANY FRED Pnon matinver Uo Main I street Iho hits Ash coal I slid Oil others WHIIS EZRA F MARTIN MAKES OR ropAlrnll kinds of uhlpwork Lashes Mes toot 274outh III estTemille CCtJTIIII JEPPFRSON a w SOUTH TFSIPLE street All kinds of sculptor work finely axe cotod Price reasonable FILING AND UlNUINfI ALT KINDS OP GRINDING AND FIE Ini at HO State street Coop W M On si fclsjors and pen knives a specialty A notion proprleto AAmI8 SIlLLTrSIS I P M IIISIIOP I A SPECIALTY ASAYFR 1M South West Temple SIINFRS ASSAY OrriOF ASSAY FOR Cold and Silver 75e Iroropt careful attention atten-tion given samples bv mstl or express tXli sIink yuaniDtMd SI ftgndboutbst lOW LIVERY JlOAlltllNO STAlIItS HOLT 111104 PIOIS 13 WEST SOUTH Teinpla serTloe 1eL Ueasonable jm Uood rates rlsi for and boarillaV Irorant hore HARNES4 SADDIAH 11111 LOUIS HOOK 171 TATE ST S1OOK suddlesRopecialty Lestbernovel ty work MACHINISTS MACHINISTS RirAllUi WORK DONE plilnrinllnnsa speelalty at the Washing ton Works UJ State strecL W ELECTRICAL WORK AND SUITLIES EGAN MIIJJ BABEMFNT EOUTIfc west corner Second South and Main EMPLOYMENT AGINCII UNION EM1LO1MENT AND RENTAL Agency lloom t and i 31 South Main SL LYEnY AND 110o1I1NO STAISLEIC tlcOOYa STABLES 39 IV SECOND SOUTH MIDATIVE14 AND hURSrS JNRS J S HUMlllUllFS STATE 3T POLLTRY AN9rIttTDUCr 6FND YOCR FRUn POULTRY AND 01l1UI r hJllY produce of all kinds to I rankcutltr Oom lulsMon Merchant tt Lake City Utah I will either buy or noli for jour account on r o LID Do and make bear and promo I t return Eggs and apple an 1 o lIoxrr J SL CHIUSTENSFN i CO PRODUCE dealers cbecHe creamery and dairy butter r oil md fresh etrirs a specialty bole agents r Meadow low Creamery Co lOliKoutU 11011 TeroJOI strootobalt Lk City Uut Tolpbone UTAn IOULTIIY ANT PIIODUCE Gold 101loD 001001 West nt 500lb FtrL FBInitiffsAA 1AKEts AND ItEPA1I < XaJalZ1E1U WEST FIRST SOUTH r WALLPAPERS I Remnant lots 5c Double Roll I Better grade lOc its it Golds 15c is All I Golds IV I I 20c 11 Is Golds 1 25c is 61 I Rivers Bros I 1 45 East 2nd South St I = = = = = = = I If Our Clothes I I Were not made of the best materials 1 I made tip the latert styles and put together I 1 I to-gether bj the best tailors In the world I I we could not afford to say moneyback IfyouwantIt you ever stop to I I I think of thatmay be thats why other stores dont say Ityou take no 1Z I III fl chances In dealing hole this store I I makes every wrong right come In try I I usdont cost anything we aru show I I Ing theblggest I and best stock of Men I I and Boys clothing You evert saw even suit offered Is full Gardner vat tie backed up by a Gardner guarantee Iens suits In round and square cut I sack In brown and gray mixtures che volts worsted and fancy worated at I I 500 600 IM 11001 1200 11500 I 1800 CO 00 nnd KiOO Mens Cutaway or Frock suits at 1000 1200 100 WOO J2000 and 13500 Hoys Long Pant Suits MOD II00 15 00 600 57 CO 1000 1200 and 1500 Boys Knee Pants Suits 150 J2to 300 S3 CO II CO HMJ 1500 5000 57 W I and 900 Chllds Junior Suits 150 30 300 1 1360 100 J60 500 GOO and 150 WRITE ton OUR SPRING CATALOGUE CATA-LOGUE a Ready will Summer Lfqdorwear for Men or Boys a bigger stock than ever better COTTO now while stocks are full Prices from 75o the suit upI up-I ONEPRlC J P GARDNER ONE PRICE 130 BUd 13S MAIN NTIlllT l I k The Great Romoval I 8alB I OF THE COOP FURNITURE CO IS NOW ON A Big Reduction In Prices for Cash on all our largo stock of Morchandlsa In GOOP eluding all klnd3 of Furniture Carpets I I of all grades Lace Curtalr3 Stoo Rarigos and Stovos Baby Carriages 11 FURNITURE Etc Etc I A Rare Cranoo for Bargain In I COMPANY I Desirable Goods We have > 10 old I IF design stock everything Is new and latest I sign Call for prices II IO I We offer the remainder of our 26 inch 11 I Westminster Bicycles at 20 each Come soon before all are sold 11 V 11I 11 11C 4 a Hot Water Bottles rOf Of AND I Fountain Syringes I Are among the TTost or fllhdti fl 7 I rI I IF SitrrtrFHSfj I I IF let doa IImP ra t I ten I 01 t bj to I 1 Appliance In the drug line M I o lice PMg am Is P 11 snorted slios 1 11 at In I From 100 up it a IIIit III 1 J 1 The Old Reliable toIt In It J I A Godbe Pitts Drug Store I off 11 Combination Fence 911 11 z to Keeps out chickens dogs rabbit sheep and boy GEO F FELT CO LUMBER DEALERS 1 Ir on Coiner Eighth South and State Streets Telephone 24 Free sad A prompt fictively SO thAt F A Sakuth Tailoring 00 if AtP 1 t < 5 W Second South St First Class Tiallarin I g nl lowest prices Suits 1 2 00 and t F Pants 3 00 and up SPECIAL REDUCTIONS TO MISSION TO ARIES vat 1b 1101 H ELLIS vat Photographer TOil T-Oil dop it KttuMi Kouni wr be One Dozen Cabinet Priotographs ond one 1O20 Ala Bromhle EuhugeU1ent for 200 boa Ito vra WOIII GUAItASTtEO This late picture I not one of the cheap lwcIlQd of I DrotOotn butts I 99milue lifelike Bromide Callandaeothem 11Ill 11 Ill 9I I 1 el1 lOA FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR toT I doll GAIN MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES of ter I P SAPOLIO tow ed III 1 I l I |