Show THINK SPAIN WILL WIN Idea of Havana People that Should be Dispelled Dis-pelled Soon SAMPSON GETS CLOSE INFORMATION 1 Au rpd American Telh at Important Things 1 a 11 Prices or JroIID Itllag New York May 5The Herald today publishes the following Cuban advices sent via Key West Admiral Sampson received detailed nts from Inside ot Havana hn Charles Thrall was tranaftirred from the Wilmington to the flagship oft the Cuban out Thrall acting as agent for the United States goveriment went to I1avana on tl e bark Matazas the day after Gen Lee arrived In Key West lie was a manager of the electrlo light works at Urdu opposite Havana It Is I due to Ycnkec wit that he escaped lIewas picked up by the Wilmington at Bacur ai o seven miles cast of Havana lie told Admiral Sampson some Important news relative to the changes In the cuns at the CoJImsr and Itelna batteries bat-teries which Increased their strength as well aa widened the fighting radius 01 the guns Ali to Thrall the Is yet noon no-on ufTerln In I1avana for the necessities ot life anA there hat bn no rioting cf any onSUluence The Spanish say they have 100000 men counting volun teen no those ulto man the batteries but Thrall belleea there are not more than 50000 In the city available at an hours notice There has been ns yet no marked Incr ase In yellow fever or smallpox which lact Is I due to the continual dry cool weather Havana1 he said Is eager for war The opinion of the common people there now H I that the Americans are afraid tj engage the shore batteries hen the fleet first arrived oft Havana Ha-vana the city was panicstricken Failure to bombard at once had the ef tect of restoring confidence to some ex tent and was accepted as evidence of fear of the fhort batteries and after the squadron had moved up and down for 48 hours without firing a gun the tide of ixipulai feeling In Havana Is I that pain will wli Yon ask nu uhnt the people are do ing The first cnsner to that question which suggests Itself Is cursing the Yvi Meat has gone up to > 3 a pound In gold Prlies are still rising It Is Im rcxslblu to lean With any accuracy the food supply of th city From the palace it Is reported that the provisions will last Indefinitely but this is not true If the blockade Is I not raised the city might held out some weeks but each day makes the peoples temper more I dangerous and once famine grips them n Pit Blanco Will be able to preserve order only by the sternest measuHS Mr Thrall stated that In spite of Incessant In-cessant woik III Ilia l rmtttres no more big hUh ovver modern r lies had been aldtd Many small Inas have been mounted however filClally to the wiitnaid lf the Santa Clira battny Havana Is well supplied with ammunition am-munition for both large and small arms On Monday an American newspaperman news-paperman was captured as a spy and will probably be shot Thrall left Havana disguised as a cattle drover lie hired out with a man who was moving bullock to a grazing place lie speaks Spanish pr fectly lie desertEd hill employer In the night and struck for the coat climbing the range coast hills and postponing all efforts to sleep because of his desire not to fall into the hands of Spanish soldiers Near llacuronno he was fired on by sentries but escaped unhurt Creeping I to the ea the I AmerIcan saw two ships In the offing which proved to be tho Mangrove and Wilmington He hoisted a handkerchief handker-chief on a stick and waved It > For on i hour the handkerchief waVed In vain Then he pulled ofT his shirt tied it to a stick with the handkerchief and waved the two Then came on answer train the Mangrove The Mangrove notified the Wilmington and the latter sent a boat to the shore and took him off Numerous ihells have been fired Into the Cuban shore east ot Havana dur Ing the last two day by the Wilming ton The Wilmington being a river boat can go almost anywhere Inshore and her patrol Is I from In front of Morro about 12 miles along the coast east ward As she keeps less than 4000 yards she Is I constantly watched b > the Spaniard and ha 11 good oppor funny for watching them Little IQu1d of cavalry can navf and then be Ien following along the Vater front hailing tile carbines at the Wllmlng ton and now and then String n fw tvn buliets When thIs Is I done the WilmIngton Wil-mIngton traIn one of her guns and lets fly The result Is I that there pjn I great scampering of Spanish horses and a tearing of bushes and a flvlng of dirt as the shell goes Items These are portions of about 1000 cavalry that t lien IIIanro has sent to the east for the purpose apparently of prerentlng a landing of United States forces In the bay of Darucanao I |