Show ABANDONING G EASTERN CUBA Spaniards Withdrawing Their Forces Into Four Coast Towns I All OthPlaleire rndSOO Imlll Want to J Santiago d Co I Kingston Jamaica May 5lenor Manuel Carre a Maiizanllio merchant who > left there six 1 data ago and has Just arrived by tire schooner Governor Blake says that Gen Pando ordered all the garlsons In eastern Cuba to concentrate con-centrate at Manzanlllo NuevltasGuan tanamo and Santiago de Cuba All other places have been evacuated Some speculators In Manzanlllo who had ordered a cargo of food sent from Manteca bay cabled the agent Richard Rich-ard Thompson not to ship It ns It was supposed the food would be seized by the Spaniards The British consul nt Santiago de Cu ba cabltd that he vas safe and that the city was quiet H M S Alert sailed from this port for Santiago de Cuba last night Senor Francisco Portuando has received re-ceived a request to send a vessel to I Santiago de Cuba for 300 families |