Show GOING ON WITH THE m United States Sending Dewey a New Supply of Ammunition Twenty Thousand rrojeclll 11 ulllnfr N f rUD Sjmnlih Cup Verde kIrpreLTaking HIIAI Islands Washington May ITb navy department de-partment has now secured two vessels In San Francisco the Australia and the City of reltln which wIll be loaded with coal and supplies and rushed oft to Join Commodore Deneys fleet Whether or not they will cairy troop will he determined positively when the commodore Is heard from on this matter mat-ter The navy department Is burning together to-gether nil exceedingly large stock ot ammunition to go forward by the City of Tekln to recruit the ammunition ot Commodore Deweys fleet The first shipment of projectiles left New York yesterday and additional shipment will be made until tho lull quota at powder and shot will be In Sin Fran I Cisco within the next few days Then ullt be A total nf more than 20000 pro < Jectlles at various > caliber and weight For the four big 8Inch guns of the Olympia there will be GOO light steel armorplerclo shells weighing about 900 pound each For the elnch gun of the Olympia Baltimore anti Boston and other ships there will be 1 000 teel projectll The other hlpmnll will Include about 10000 Cpound rifle balls 2000 5 Inch shells 4000 3pound balls and 3000 Ipound bills The navy department N I fortunate In having laid In nn ample stock 01 pro Jeotlle of all weights and sizes so that there will be no delay In getting a full supply ready for shipment to Com modor Dewey The supply of powder Is not so readily obtained as powder has been distributed to the several fleets and Bhlpl as fist as It has come from the powder mills Hut owing to tile emergency In the case ot the Asiatic fleet powder Intended for other tIe will be forwarded to San Fran cisco and sent to Commodore Dewey The recent t explosions at powder mills have not crippled the navy department In their supply of powder but they have caused some delay In filling the orders at the war department A sensation was caused throughout the city by the neAs that coma this morning of the arrival of vessel sup pod to be the dispatch boat McCul loch at Mlrs bay forty miles from Hongkong cable terminus The 01 flclals Immediately fell Into an air of expectancy waiting for some word front Admiral Dewy that would not only confirm ofllclally the stlrrlni new 01 the battle of Manila as reported by the preps but tot ling what had hp pend since the cable was Interrupt11P4 I Up 10 the close 01 office hour no word hall come from lIongkollg and the olllcial who believe that the Mc Culloch was really In Mlrs bay were put to devising Ingenious explanations of tile delay In the receipt of able gram These touched upon the twelve hours difference In time the distant from Mira bay to Hongkong which had 10 be overcoats by the mnger and the slowneps ot t cable communica tion owing 10 the number 01 relays on tho enonnodly long circuit from IIonG l long 10 Nw York flame 01 the other naval officers how er who steadfastly contended that Admiral Dewey would not have vent aWaY Ills dispatch boat until he hud completed Ills dispatch and received tho surrender of Manila pointed out that It they were right In that nisumptlo It would not be possible tot the Me Culloeh to reach Hongkong before to marrow evening Oreat Interest In I felt In1 the reported returning of the Spanish Cape Virile fleet to Cadiz but vvhllo admitting the possibility of the fast vessels of the Spanish flying squadron making the > passige In ne days they have been out from St Vincent the naval officers were disposed to regard with great suspicion ncwaof thls kind emanating from Portugal because of the recost nlzcdjBsrrtpathy of the Portuguese with the Spanish side tt would be worth a good deal to the Spanish admiral commanding flying squadron bup posing ho were on his wo ocroa the Atlantic to throw us oft our guard by leaving us believe that he had returned to Spain No new ofllclal news has come to con firm the repolt from Hawaii that the Inlands have been tendered to the United States for war uses It Is I said that If the incoming mall brought the proposition to San nanclsco It would staicely be trusted to tlglllph 00 account ac-count of Its Importame but would be 1 forwarded by the railway mall which would bring It here In about live days Without exception the naval officers would welcome the possession of Hawaii Ha-waii Just at this moment as affording n magnificent base for naval operations opera-tions In the Pacific but It Is said Pres ident Dole proposition must be sub mlted to Congress so that It will be for the If tUra In the end to pass I upon thin offer I |