Show GOVERNOR NAMES OFFICERS Appoints Lieutenant R W Youni and Colonel F A Grant of Captains Battery Hatter A light Artillery Richard YY Young Captain George YY Olbbs I Irst Lieutenant Thomas C Ilrabj Seconl Lieutenant Lieuten-ant llaj C Najlor Second Lleulenant I Battery 1 Light Artlllers Prank A Grunt Captain It X Edgar A Wedgwood Pint Lieu tenanti I r l I John T1 1 Crltchtow Second r Lteuten 4 I 1 ant Orrin n Grow Second Lieutenant I f Such U I Ihe official personnel ot Dualistic A and II ot tile Volunteer A i srvloe its met forth In the folio 1nB I proclamation Issued ly Governor Wells last evening I Whereas The resident of the Unite I Unit-e States deeming It neceisarj lo I I raise a Volunteer army han Isiue I his I I proclamation slating the number of men desired and whereas In I dlr < pored I once of said I reclamation the secre I 1 to or wr hu designated an Part of I I Ih quota tram Utah two light bat tor 01 artillery t Now therefore L Heber If tiVells I governor 01 like State oC Utah 1 I virtue oC the Authority ested In me bj tho art or Cong 085 In uh cases made nd PrQ1 sit do Pretty appoint the I OIL oollor omeer 10 rv during Ih MfO I plur DC tho eoorho dUlinI le J I To h ell prefer luahoirl W Young 7113 I and couny Frnk A Icho Ornt oC Sal Yon counyT h tt lieutenant George W Ohh 01 Bait Lake county and Edgar A Wdg0 or Utah county it T be secOr4 lieuteurants John F 11 I N 1 4 E rlehlow er Salt Lke founty and homas c 01 BMllt count an 1 tiny C I Drafty and Urrln 1 Grow or a lk county I Cat tain HHhsrd YY Toting tfnrt FIt 11 ulenant ore YV Oil I ba nnd Sec onl Lieutenants Them C Draby and Dar C Noylor arc hereby asilgnel tft Ill or A Cap hntry Irnk A Ork Ill and Ural Ileulrnnnt IJdgar A YYelgwiod n Heron 1 leutenonla John I Crltrhlow aid Grain n OrOU Are hereby Assigned lo light battery I lght In wllness whereof I have here unto set my ban and caused tie I great seal of the State < it Seal Utah to Ito 1 hereunto Affixed Se1 D one at Salt Uike City this 4th day of Afal A U ISIS 4h 1 1 211111 M YYI LI1 Try tile Governor IY J T JAMMUND Secretary oC State |