Show n dL 4 DESEIIET EVENING NEWS TJITJKSDAY afAy 5 180S DE8ERET EVENING NEWS Deert News Publlhlng Com pony Lessees TIdy Iy 5 1898 TIle IttMinrt I Trsim Nrwi 14 l published 4sllTtnn < lsy iecileil at frnfr of South 411ptunfty at111k J at < l F Trmple tlmla Hall take City Itrirular edition at So duct IFsrn 81 xlIVFFxty Fvs 11 pnb I Ihdn Tudy dl 10 Oil Tile IOIIrnfT j iriirTln mujailno form U ubllh < < every tatei relay fuiljomonlln JlallrlSmontln I I 17 JJJ Ni IlallrljnontM rally month JJ J I > al hy lh vi ele J IS L attttday edition 13 months sSmfwVeleVljmunltrt Son ion himMVeekly emonlhs 1 JJ VwrklylJroontlji 1 adoo < I nyrccnt for lubscrlptloni ilwayi In ucl race Pob crllMrschanclnir their pinto of roadmen roa-dmen bnnld al r a ijlru former ai veil u present addrehi City I Rubscribem I vrlll I kindly notify J To Iiunlir circulator of any Irregularity ID the dell reryolf their Papers AU cinimuld estlonx should beaddrolsod to I JILLltT ISLITS lpnLlso co Ttlf them 1H1 |