Show TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES At Sioux Tails S D upon taking possession of the state troops Col 1 ITost Immediately ordered that the uui should be known aa Oeo Dewey camp In the presence of 15000 spectators Australian Jimmy 1Ian and Jack Mc Dunough of Chicago fought twenty rounds to a draw at Louisville Ky lat night Washington the enlistments In the oluntiera army during the first two days during which it was In progress mounted only to something over seven hundred lIenry Hoard earl 01 EffinGhum a descendant of the famous Lord Howard who i commanded the nmtllsh fleet that defeated the Spanish Armada In 1588 Is I dead The schooner Crown was lost off St John N r yesterday and her crew ot eleven were drowned All ot them were married The causo of the wreck Is J nut known An oiaclal dlspitch from Havana says that on Mondaj an American war ship fired four shots against the Ca nailea battalion which was making reconnaissance but without effect Capt Aarhuus of the German steam ship Schlesuelg which arrived In Phil I adelphla from IUIII claims to hR Ve hn pursued and nredon by a Span An mllnolar oft Torlua April 28th There Is a groming Impression In offi Chat quarters says the London Stand arl that the queen regent and the Spllnloh government favor Rome ar rnnmnt that will lead to the early termination 01 the wr Edwin FrRnscon and Gua Carina employed at Iowlor ranch two mil Cat wt 01 Maple 11111 Nan Were fatal ly shot lot evening by John Thom lya former employ at the ranch Thom Is said 10 have hot the mn no a r a suit 01 some trouble about a woman It appears to be an almost settled be lief Among army officers at Tamp Fla that no movemnt of United States troops toward Cuba will take place tm < til after the meeting ot the Spanlsli flotilla with Rear Admiral Sampson Is nquadron which la I Mil believed to lis Inevitable Nevertheless everything possible In I being done to put the Unit ed States troops In readiness for Imme diate shipment |