Show But Ya Cant Can't Pin Us Down S Utah Mat Prospects Look Brighter Th Things n s are looking up in the wrestling camp of the he University of oC Utah Redskins these days This doesn't necessarily mean that the Wrestlers themselves are looking lookin up tip because according to Coach Karl ii when youre you're looking up tip youre you're losing S It does mean however that prospects for or a successful season are arc very bright hl in the Ute fold lold and the team is looking lookin up the conference standings rather than at thin air i Yes wrestling interest on the Redskin campus has hit a new high I this year car with a record number of or I men seeking positions on the Ute varsity All this makes Coach i happy to say th thi least as he grooms rooms his squad members for Cor a rugged season ahead Six n Six let from last years year's team g give ge e the Utes plenty of needed experience for the coming Skyline Six wrestling chase but the fact still remains that there Is plenty plent of oC work to he done in before belore be be- fore lore the Indians can be classed as title tide contenders Let Lettermen tennen back from last year include Verne Call a rugged 28 with plenty of ol sav savy Nick Beglarian pound muscleman Steve Stee in the class I Larry Stevens pound ace Jay Oviatt pound veteran and Gil Meier in the l pound 5 division Even en with six lettermen in the fold no team earn positions ons are definite ns ns g yet This speaks rather highly for lor the sophomores on the team up up from froni last years year's frosh ranks Heir apparent to the vacated Ute heavyweight throne is sophomore Wilbur Wilhur Snyder who has shown plenty of oC promise In practice i Shows Show Snyders Snyder's football buddy Bruce Warburton has also shown to good advantage in the pound divi divi- S sion Also a fine prospect In the class is Merlin Perkins Every ery Ute letterman will vill be S hard pressed for lor po positions this year real In the pound division I Dick Knittle is expected to make makei i an interesting race for lor that lion ion I Verne Terne Call in the bracket must challenge Spud Anderson up from the frosh ranks Nick Beglarian Beglarian Beg Beg- larian will vill have his hands full lull in inthe inthe inthe the class with James Jim c fush pushing ng and Jim seeking seeking seek seek- m ing the starters role Cushing Gushing has shown well in practices also Strong Stron Point The 1 bracket left vacant b by bythe bythe the graduation of Maurice Marchant Mar Mar- chant shapes up to be one of or the lie strongest spots on the thc team with Merlin Meilin Perkins Dick and Gordon Chock battling for the spot Bob Barton ton and Larry Stevens hold the inside t track rack for the class while the 65 division offers Oviatt O Warburton and John BushIn Bush Bush- In man an With Meier teler in the pound 15 weight eight are Bob Mukai a frosh 1 letter winner vinner and Bill Curtis Curti Contenders Contenders Contenders Con Con- I tenders for lor the unlimited pr heavyweight heavyweight heavy y weight post include Snyder Golden Neilson and Frank Some Injuries 4 Injuries Injuries' have hampered the Utes thus far a l' l this season eason but if I bandage brigade can canI be ready to go when conference I competition opens the Utes may go places The Utes open the season against Colorado un university at Salt Lake on Feb Feh 1 or 2 On Feb 3 they travel to Logan to meet the defending defending defending de de- de- de fending western division champs from Utah State Brigham Young comes to Utah on Feb 11 and on Feb 24 and 25 the three Utah schools meet in the western division division division divi divi- sion matches at Provo Conference meet is slated for March 3 and 4 In Denver |