Show I I Thompsons Thompson's Matinee Matine Excites Interest Keen Interest Is being manifested In Inthe Inthe inthe the special extra matinee for Cor women only to be given by Thompson rhe Egyptian Egyptian tian tomorrow afternoon at the Orpheum Orpheum Orpheum Or- Or theat theatre e. e Thompson Is one of ot the Orpheum headliners on this weeks week's billand billand bill billand and the extra extra- matinee has has' been ar arranged arranged arranged ar- ar ranged In order that his many former class acquaintances here may have an opportunity of ot meeting him again as aswell aswell aswell well as the general feminine public of the city I Thompson exponent nt of ot a new theory of or healing and restoring the human body Is In himself a startling demonstration of the benefits of ot the practises practices he ho I preaches for at the age of 70 he has the s strength g the the ap appearance and pep I I ea of a man of 45 How he has achieved this he explains I In a lecture which Is fantastic In the I results It U promises and which is so full of common sense as Thompson expounds expounds ex ex- I pounds his theories that It Is by no means Improbable that his followers will soon be numbered In the thousands and the tens of ot thousands the That Thompson himself who Mho recently recent recent- ly Iy appeared from no one knows where and ad created such a furore by his cures and lectures when he appeared on the theof I stage of a vaudeville theatre In tn New NewYork Newel NewYork York that t morning performances were necessary el to accommodate the crowds who demanded to hear and see this wizard wiz I ard believes he Is 18 the standard bearer of a new panacea which Is going to be bethe bethe I the grea greatest test boon and blessing to the I human race that the last hundred years e has brought forth there there Is no doubt No one can listen e to him for five minutes min mm- I II utes without r being c con convinced on of his sincerity sincerity sin sin- and the scores of oC enthusiastic followers fol 01 fOI 1 I lowers who go RO forth lauding his praises after every demonstration of his powers I are an proof of his ac- ac I |