Show SEVERE STORM WREAKS HAVOC I 4 1 OVER COLORADO i Parts of Denver and Nearly Score of Towns in Northern North North- em ern Section Suffer Severely Se Se- i verely in Sunday Gale DENVER DEoVER Colo Cob Jan S. S Descending S. f t u upon on U the tho o eastern III slope ope of ot the Rocky mountain r region glon early Test last night a j I windstorm Increasing In yeLI ve- ve LI kI t f ty from a rate of ot thirty-five thirty miles mlles I ah ii hour to between sixty tire and md aevE sev se E f five enty miles mites an hour left I I and havoc In its Us wake In parts of of n Denver and nearly a score of northern I 1 Colorado towns and In farming BECJ see se-e- Q according to general reports f J r Denver early today j A LIras Kirns fanned by the gale pIe wrought r In parts of at Denver Den during thoL thom tho the m L and virtually every fire tire depart- depart I t In the city was engaged In bat bat- r mot than a It score of blazes SevI Sev- Sev r stores two downtown Ings s and a n hotel reported fires ires I of ot which proved to be serious o damage however was expected to torun run Jun n u ands of dollars ollars although n estimate was as available a. earl early to a storm which came from the tt It Y i western Rocky mountains swept down J 1 4 Upon oneo therl Wyoming and northern t j Colorado lorado lace lare yesterday 4 b houses el and demolishing numerous t 9 residences No loss of oC lire life was r r ted lea Farmers lost heavily In Into age e to farm property It was waa re reI rea re- re a I ed 1 p- p ieving south the storm struck Denef DenI Den- Den Pa I f ef after i r 9 o'clock last night and eon con Ii J its Hs- errand of destruction Tele- Tele ri ph and nd telephone communication to north of ot here was virtually der de- de r aY tto scores of ot telephone poles having been blown down In Isolated Isolate it t districts 4 1 A volt voU tri tramway wire was i f blown clown lown between here and Golden L I plo crossing telephone wires and ana v burning them Hundreds of motorists to 0 T Tere vere Vere held up by police who guarded tl Vall all roads joada across which the live wires k Jc i o strewn creating creating- a serious menace i fito y of drivers |