Show TEXAN BEQUEATHS HALF OF HIS EST ESTATE ATE TO COLLEGE SAN ANTONIO Tex Jan 8 The Th The will of the late Francis L. L Town filed lIed for tor probate here today disposes of ot property valued at The sum of ot or one halt the total value of ot the estate Is given Dartmouth Dartmouth Dart Dart- Dartmouth mouth college at Hanover N N. II H. The city of ot San Antonio where Colonel Town resided for tor the last twenty five years the city of ot Lancaster Lancaster Lan Lan- caster N N. H. H the town of ot his birth several charitable institutions and about a a. dozen Individuals residing in various parts of the country are named as beneficiaries Colonel Town died at his home here hereon on December 1 at the age of 87 He served in the army for tor more than forty years and was retired at his own request In 1896 B |