Show ASSEMBLY Y PROGRAM I f AT NORTH SANPETE I. I MOUNT mUNT PLEASANT Jan S. S The S.-The The following fol- fol was rendered in assembly ast as- as lowing program t exercises at the North Sanpete t hIgh school Saturday Invocation C. C CL L. L Miss Mae Rasmus- Rasmus t Stewart piano solo sen talk on athletics A. A W. W Anderson k Each of t the following ol boys o s of fo the e football football foot foot- g ball team a were r awarded a block I letter letterS IC S ln on a R. purple background tL Coach W W. H H. Terry made the presentation presenta- presenta tion speech speech- Sheldon Carr Carrol l Madsen Milton Erickson Ericksen Rudger Olsen a Theodore Madsen Dick Burns Willie Barton Harry Allred Perry McArthur I Delmar Tripp Boyd Madsen Cutler Scofield I field and Leor Loot Jensen Following the program a f few w minutes ri to yon practice |