Show t. t Urges Extension Of Surplus Canal CanalIn In that letter of Mi Sit Paul Taul f the third of present month k It there here are arc no mosquito breedin r JI 1 II x xon on the east cast side A good reason reasor ea the he waters through arc a to remain but rushed d p west ettie Any natural drain did dIal exist to a 0 great rent extent 1 d dammed for tal certaIn personal I tapes tagel thus to some extent has tt much water to form li II man 1 In my opinion It dots does not re of ot nn any great grent skill to de cause or or effect Poor ft In both tho city proper west yeat In lit many places In the It Is allowed to remain until It g gelt iR lId id and anti either sinks or Is II dried up oration Many Stony new nw In jJ districts hold water ns os well voll ns system of ot ditches Now as t pools or lakes outside the cl cit I relieved to a I very cry pi great gleat eat ext u If DA entirely by completing tho the r nal by bringing It to the r lake If lr permitted by the P W stead of ot being dumped on of Individuals who are payl paying annually At present the water In Inis man It is higher In the surplus I ci canal BI canal was deepened and the wa va tl ned to the tile lake In a a. very f tc te t tourists would find a n fertile a arid d c Ing west side Instead ot of a. a waste T TWilling II d J is Willing to stand his share ot of h rd |