Show I i t J I r I STUDENTS PRESENT DRAMA MORONS MORONI Feb 3 A A large audience en enjoyed enjoyed en- en joyed the Initial o of JameS Jam JOYe Montgomery's drama performance Nothing But th the e eI school atte atthe at atthe Truth by the Moroni High schol the te Kozy Kc theatre le last Wednesday eve eve- I fling ning Th The dramatic club presented an e ex exceptionally e- e strong trong cast in Stanley Staley ivory I as Bob Bb Bennett Benet and Vivian Vivia Anderson Anderon as asi a Gwen Owen the two leads supported i j- j ty y the tho following Louise Luise foia I I Olson NIda S Simpson Alta Alt Jensen Jense J Julia Juliar I Merrill Thornton Thornton Valdon MerU MerUI Vance Vac Peterson and SU rm n Lund i |