Show FOREIGN BONOS i CHIEf Fisher Body's Drop One of Weeks Week's Sensations NEW YORK Feb 3 By A A A. A P. P P. Chief P.-Chief Chief i Interest in this weeks week's financial markets centered on the sharp sha depreciation and quick recovery y of or foreign exchange rates and ad the prices of or foreign bonds which re re- re the shifting sentiment of speculative Interests Stock prices generally moved within a a narrow narow trading area area with wih the general pub pub- I. I Sic lic lc showing little inclination to buy or OP orsell sell seU at present prices Railroad shares enjoyed a temporary period of strength following publication of the December earning statements which in the main were unusually favorable One of ot the widest fluctuations during the week occurred in Fisher DOd Body which dropped to as a against years year's high of or of recovering v later to years Other motor stocks t particularly c Chandler h ler and Durant issues on the curb reacted in sympathy sympathy sym sym- pathy path but all aU made good recovery later recover The United States Steel corporations corporation's report for tor the last quarter of 1922 which showed that only 97 cents of the quarterly dividend on the common sto stock k had been earned was disappointing to the td speculative community which had had counted count ed on a a surplus above dividends and ste steel stell t shares were temporarily depressed as aoa asa a I result Chairman Gary Gar explained lat later r that the poor showing from tom the tho te fact that the plants of the company had been at work on low priced business placed early in the spring P i and summer ci and acet that a a the recent 2 20 wage In Increase increase in- in crease added monthly to the payroll Higher prices for tor steel products I he said sai would result in a a better showing next quarter Oil 01 shares developed strength on the announcement of ot further increases in th the tho price prie of crude oil oil Coppers by the resumption of dividends on Butte Bute and Superior and sales of ot the red metal metal at 15 1531 cents a pound poundS the highest highet price in some time |