Show FOREIGN EXChANGE EW YORK Feb 3 Foreign N NEW exchanges anges quotations In cents FIrm area Great Britain Britain Demand cables cable 0 sixty day bills bis o on 0 banks bank I Fran rans ra cable 6 T alv Demand 4 cables rabies o. o c. c Belgium Demand and cables 6 6 68 64 e. e Germany ay c cables es OO find y-rP y g Demand ma 3 18 8 SIc U cab cables Cable e. e ma man 6 1810 switzer I Demand nd-Demand Greece Demand De l mind nd 0 F Demand fin V i a d ii U- U c. c Br BrO BrO- HalO demand Great bles rance 14 68 8 demand day advanced bill bils Cables o on to bankS bank cable O c. c Belgium Ialy cables cables H r te later dealings |