Show Everything in In Hardware WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY and Milling Machinery Contractors Contractors' lir Mining X Equipment and Supplies The af Lake W v vare eo o. o station block north OT ino street our one location Cars Nos 18 19 and 20 r paSs S our coor I I Inside Facts U 1 11 nI nIu 4 i N l- l I r. r u I Utah Oi Syndicate NOa No 11 1 1 In the first place lace it should be distinctly understood that the investing investing invest- invest is E the Utah California Utah Oil Oi Syndicate No 1 I offering ing public a real inside money making oil oi development 3 Get that fixed in your mind in the outset outset Then as ass as's 2 2 you read all al of the facts you will wi that this is not an an 2 ordinary oil oi promotion but that it is an exceptional opportunity nit to make a handsome profit profi on ev even n a modest investment There are no promotion interests in the Utah California Uth 2 5 Oil Syndicate and there are no interests of any kind excepting ex- ex 5 2 Oi what are known as production interests which h means 2 2 just that interests that participate in 66 3 2 of all al of the 2 2 oil produced from all al the wells wels we plan to drill dri on the valuable valuable valuable 2 able oi acre iS-acre lease In the line lne of production in the Westward 2 Extension of the rhe Santa Fe Springs Springs- oil oi district j There Tere are ae ae only production interests interest at the price of E 2 each to be sold in Utah Uta Now that is plain enough isn't it i All Al right right 5 Now we understand that there are no promotion interests interess 5 S and 66 3 2 of all lal oil oi produced on the Utah California Utah Syndicate Syndicate Syndicate Syndi- Syndi cate No 1 it fifteen acres goes to holders of production interests S S Now v how about the element of safety The answer S to that is in our selection of the property Our valuable fifteen acre lease is surrounded by holdings of such oil oi proS producing pro pro- acre S oil oi companies as the Standard Union Amalgamated E S SS S Shell and a t number of Independent Oil Oi Companies 5 E EFrom Shel 1 From reliable geological reports is evidenced that ourS our our- ourE S fifteen acres are located right over the rich deep oil oi sands E S Remember there ire are Ire only interests to be sold i Utah and not more than 50 can be sold to any ny one individual individual E S SS S Our prediction is that these interests will i iII be sold in a very very- E S desire desireS desire'S E Eany If today few days Mail Mai in your subscription subscript subscript-n you S additional information write or call cal on our general generalS S Iny any manager H. H S. S DA DAYNES who is at the Hotel Utah for a few E S days and nd who will wi leave immediately after these interests interess' interess E Eare are sold to start development on this valuable lease lese E I Oil Oi No 1 11 H. H S. S DA DAYNES Mgr Mg Hotel Utah Uta Salt Lake City Cit 2 I I |