Show 7 I Livestock M Markets a l e t s I SALT L T LUU LAKE R III 11 11 tady y prim lt steer tr T If II 0 r I 1 09 00 oo 1 steers torr re U 6 n I 60 10 0 fc feeder d r tu era to T 16 1505 7 76 76 i in I an n h heavy hav y belIer r 14 II 5 IQ 1 M 4 TS 75 71 f fir ir I to 5 1 cows cow and ad nd hr fl 3 3 K t b. b rutn un J mi I 1 o Conner canter II SO J nr 00 fl rat l but buLle buI tZ 2 1 0 te ui J Ji boLogna bull bulls i on l 00 h Ight ht veal vat calves 4 iO 50 f. f U. U Ho loge No e No receipt t choice prime prim Tp P rut fat h hog IH 5 lb Ib lb tl 11 15 26 fr f rede Jr I T 00 7 60 00 h 00 07 01 Sheep Shep hp K elite I i 11 oj It ad cb lc f fat t lemie ml 12 i ou n ii no nl fl boh yo oarl 1140 1560 60 f 45 10 o rat fat 0 tai tt tol wi h 6 cows 00 oo OO AGO F P Fb b b. b 3 Horn Hogi 7 00 00 ho hoo r r 13 clo cic coed J a weighty butt r. huth h. h r Irona ong Debt lell an l an-l light butcher butchen 10 14 t 0 0 u I hulk O 0 Q lb Ita averages average IS 4 f 10 50 O. O t. t i i 1 9 so 10 O. O luli ul U ra I bil ih here r f h. h scion a J 30 i. bl biU bd bu buto h rH i U UH k 06 O. O Or Y pa packing lOW iw w ar rn 17 97 7 iol lb pig pl pigs tl 7 o 0 no 0 t INI tr huldo 1000 bulk built of or I ask M 7 1 7 IU cc toy v. v j s 40 41 1 top lop 0 8 GO 0 I h. lien wel weight ht h hog hogs II 7 7 bU ti a l 05 0 6 m mIluin weight 7 40 light 61 CO AO 0 l bl It so as pa o 60 picking packing low IW awa oth n-oth li t OC 40 Oo Jo 0 rough 16 killing pig pic 7 7 25 U. Cattle Cattle C Sub IO compared with wih a week ek ago co beet bt ter luere and better grade grado Indo of oho abe oh tock stock tock lar largely ly 20 lower light heifer off oft more In spot top beef bf len leors Il Ill part mail load yearling common Lommon I end and medium Irad grad grad- 1 fat rat Bb nb b tock Hock canner cAnner and bout steady bologna bulls bulla r uil lw r lOt belt light aler IN SOc off orf 1 liwo r ImI antis anti's light Wind kind d 1 of 5 1 1 oc off stocker nod mid r i l T. T is isak ak ak k to lower lowr plain light showing bowing not mom week welti bulk price beet beef bC t steers IS 5 s 00 u b 9 60 10 bent beet cows cow and An belr r. helf-r. 14 4 50 QS 6 60 10 can canners nor and cutter culler 13 74 veal eal al calve IO 00 0 OH 0 1 19 16 and feeders feeder 4 4 0 7 75 J PIl 15 O direct 4 will a week ek ago affo aI tat rat lamb iamb f. f d a yearling wether and tat at heap hep Itron trong to Ito c h higher horn shorn lamb Iambi teady feeding reeding lamb 60 higher wk weeks week's top 11 tat fat la lambs lamb UI paid Friday b by r packer top UI US 1510 10 10 I bulk ru fat tut lambs 16 1510 10 c clipped Kind n l fall shorn horn hom up to tit 13 In choice cholo 66 tat fat yearling h t I 1575 tUT heavy heary beav fat tat ewes ewe w generally 16 lighter up to 18 U paid pid for tor on oo 01 load 1014 choice cholo lb lb 11 ew ewe ew weeks week n.- n. i- i Irem tremA top feeding and shearing lamb lambs lamb 91 16 J 60 60 0 ST. ST ST ST. JO JOSEPH FPH 0 Mo Feb 1 R. L Hoe R na- na market steady teady top 1 packer mark market markt lt tad steady to t So 10 lower lowe packer top M 16 16 packing packing- sows sow mostly teady at 00 Cattle Receipts little Receipt SOO for w week k beef steen teer Itene and yearlings steady to Ho ISo 10 lower coot pot off beef ber cows cow weak to ISo lower bull hull cannon canners and cutters cuter steady t ady bc best bet t light veal vel calves steady others other lowr lower and federa lower weeks week's bulk pric prices a beef bet steers tel and yearlings S 8 beef cow cows cow f hell helf- ers Cr el canners ranner and cutters cutter 1260 60 4 OO 00 bull buil light sM vealer vealer 1 11 other othen 00 stockers and feeders feeder 6 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipt too 20 compared with wih week oel ago fat rat lambs lamb lambl 25 higher sheep wa eka hulk iH 1 C. C l mW 20 Wi 0 iiii clipped I p iia a t few yearling 3 13 tat rat ewes eves ewe no feeders feeder sold soil ele SIOUX CiTY SIOUX SIOU CITY Feb S. S Cattle Receipt ZOO market compared to week neo ago good fed steers and yearlings steady ISo lower lower warmed up ulcers steers and yearlings bOise lower top for the week 1026 1025 fat cows and nd heifer holen steady canners and cutters steady teady veal veal steady top 10 0 feeders feeder steady teady top 1800 calves cAlve weak wak lower feeder cow cows and heifers heifer steady stockers steady Hogs Receipts Receipts market steady lb lOo higher butchers butcher lights 8 U I Ih t. t 80 O heavy packer packers 1700 72 bulk of ot sales sale Sheep Sheep Receipts market compared to week ago lambs lambl steady top ewes u strong top 80 I J ENTER EER DENER Fob Feb 3 Cattle Cattle Receipts SIT au steady 7 00 60 cow cows and ana heifers heifer heifer tock stockers r anti ana nd feeders feeder calves cn 60 1000 60 Hoc ReceIpts Hogs Receipts stead steady to top bulk Sheep Receipt 1810 tead steady to trong- trong lambs Iambs 00 ewes feeders feeder 25 J. 8 CITY I I KA KANSAS SAS CITY Ito Mo 10 Feb eb 3 a.- a. Cattle Re Receipts for week beef beet steers ISo 60 to SOn lower top load 01 few fw yearlings she ho ho stock unevenly Ho Ito to SOc lower lowe canners can- can nera neu steady cutter cutters cutter lEa 10 to o lower bulks averaging Uc lower heavy kinds kind off oft more mOle best bel calves steady other and stock calve calve steady teady to 6 c lower stock cows cowa and heifers heler mostly steady irons steady to Be Sc lower shipper top 2 packer top desirable de do- to pound butchers butcher butcher 8 00 bulk ot of sale al 8 packing e sows sow weak mostly mOlty 7 00 Eh Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts for week fat tat lambs Iamb steady top 1475 47 bulk lighter weights 14 sheep steady la to to higher bet best ewe ewes 00 top wether wether DOO feedIng feeding feed- feed Ing In lamb Iambs lambl around ISo 20 best st 1475 1476 SOUTH ST ST. PACT SOUTH ST. ST PAUL Minn PAU Feb 3 a. Receipts 26 25 2 market compared with a 3 week ago fat steers Iter yearlings and she stock mOlt mostly lower bologna bul bulls around o ho lower w canners e and cutters weak to lower stockers c and nt feeders e SOc i spots off of more Quotations at close close- common and end medium beet 1 i bulk fat tat she he stock 07 SO bulk canners and cut cut- fO mostly o caCI bologna bulls buli n largely 3 Calves Receipts none market around ISo So lower best beet lights Ight today toay average average aver aver- age ale cost around 9 U. Hoga flogs Receipts 1200 market slow steady to strong trong bulk butcher and bacon ho hogs hoga of or all al weights heavy heay packers mostly moty pigs ll closing around 3 Sheep Sheep Receipts none market nominally steady ore or double car cr strictly choice 76 7 Ib lb fed ted Western lab lambs late lat Friday at 1445 to shipper hipper one double car 71 11 averages average 1430 one load loa choice U fed ted ewes ewe shearing lamb lambs compared compared com com- pared with week a ago 10 market generally steady to e higher OMAHA Ol IL OMAHA Neb ab Feb Keb I. I Hogs Receipts mostly Sc higher top 0 bulk of ot sales M. M Je Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipt compared compard with Ith week ago go bulk buik beef be steers ateer lower top for tor week bulk bulk aha abe lock clock lower bulk cows cowe 14 ae heifers heIfer heier canners canner and cutters cutter 2 bulls bull bul lower veal vels firm stockers and feeders feeder lower Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipt compared with week wuk ago aco light lambs Iambs strong others othera other steady teady to Uc lower yearling sheep and feeders feeder sed steady LOS tOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES Feb 3 Special Hol fog Hogs Hogs- Estimated receipts receipt today Market Marke teady Heavyweight pounds pound up me me- me dIem dum good and nd choice U. U medium weight to pounds medium good I and choice 00 lightweight 10 I to pounds pound common medium good and andI I I choice 10 parking packing IW sows owa pounds pound up U. U smooth 6 75 ZOO I up rough pigs 10 pounds I I down medium good and choice choke 00 tock stock pigs pig pig no pound down common medium me me- ilium good and choice 13 00 Cattle Cattie Estimated receipts today Market et steady lead Beef leers medium and good O d 15 40 common e mt r 6 lightweight 1100 pounds down good and I choice 7 81 I 4 40 common and medium butcher tattle cattle heifers heifer helter 8 I 26 25 25 co cows con common mon medium good and choice 13 50 50 ij V bul bulls bull bologna bologna lood and b. b beef b 5 00 canners and cutters cutter CUter cows and nd heifers heifer helen canner steers 1200 00 p I 4 40 0 veal calves calve alve light and hand handy weights weight medium good and choice 7 50 feed feeder td er steers common medium good and choice U 51 b 6 50 SO locker Iter common le medium good cod and choice 4 60 Sheep Sheep Estimated r receipts receipt e today o I 11 Market r dull Lambs 84 pounds down n medium me me- i u good choice and prime 14 00 I trl OJ 85 pounds up in 11 u urn toed rU choice I and prime 1450 50 20 cUlls cull cula and aDd common 0 yearling nether medium good choice and ad prime 9 eWes ewe eWe medium good and choice 6 call culli and common Official receipts receipt yesterday yesterday Hogs 14 calves TUB TIlE IF FRENCH FICI BUDGET PARTS PARIS Feb 3 The The commission on finances of ot the chamber of ot deputies depute at attempted attempted at- at tempted an again to 10 balance the budget budel which has bas a deficit of or francs franca After hearing bearing a report by Finance Minister de do deI the cm minion to recommend recommend I mend a scheme for the regist regist n n ot of tb lb I I j coupons coupon of au all al securities w wh It ex- ex recta to prevent prevot evasions evasion a tax tal payments payment amounting to Ie 1000 0 francs l |