Show INCREASED TAX I uPON UPUN MINING DEFEATED House Passes Bill Abolishing Abolishing Abolishing Abolish Abolish- ing Drainage Certification tion Committee MIning interests of Utah Ufah will not have the tho burden ot of t taxes w wh Uch ch they now bear benr Increased by the le i P present 1 legIslature leg leli the tho I house by a majority of ot two to one killing the bill bUt ot of p en- en taUvo M Judd d which would h have v Increased in In- In I creased tho the burden 33 per cent This action camo came after atter a 0 prolonged j debate over the measure In the h house uee on Friday afternoon the final action on the tho bit being 15 ay to 35 nays naya with 5 r absent absentees es Tho bill proposed propose to Increase the taxes so that th the mines would have had to carr carry a 0 burden of oC four tour times Umes thenet thenet the tho net proceeds of ot the properties for tax tax- atlon Instead of ot throe three times the net netI proceeds as the law now stands I The house passed the sure met of ot Representative Finlinson which does away with the tho certification commission for tor or bonds Issued on behalf of ot drainage drainage drainage drain drain- age districts This commission consisting consisting consisting con con- of ot the attorney general the bank commissioner and Ule tle state engineer engineer engineer engi engi- neer have havo had to ItO pass Upon pon bond Is Issues Issues issues Is- Is sues of ot the drainage districts the a action ac ad- tl tion n taken by them b the moral support of ot the Estate that the bonds bindS nas I and Interest would QuIa b be e.- e. a III The commission commission com cool mission In ie view of Inability ly to make malta the examination necessary to know conditions asked the legislature to abolish the commission and the house acted In accordance with US Its desires I It Is now up to the tho senate to complete the action I MEASURES OPPOSED Among the adverse reports on measures meas meLS ures urea Introduced in the house was theOne tho the one filed against the tho passage passage of ot the monopolistic insurance bill Wll under the provisions of ot which the state Insurance Insurance insurance ance fund would be given a monopoly of ot workmen's compensation Insurance In tho the state The bill had been given public hearings and the final conclusion conclusion conclusion sion of ot tho the committee having the matter matter matter mat mat- ter in hand was a report signed by byI four members of the committee that I the bill do not pass A minority re report report re- re port also was made The Tho bill Is now on tho the calendar and will probably bo be disposed of oC this afternoon oon In that the Joint resolution of ot Senator Senator Senator Sena Sena- tor Winder providing for tor a commission to make Inquiry Into the tho causes that have led to the crime wave has haa been I approved and the appointment of ot three I members of ot the senate viz Senators tors Winder Jensen and Dixon to make the Inquiry on the part of ot the senate the speaker appointed Representatives Stark Dunyon and N. N C. C Christensen as members of the house to act net with the senate committee MEETS iN IN AFTERNOON When the house adjourned ort on Friday evening it was tho the Intent to make the I adjournment until 10 o'clock this mornIng morning morn- morn Ing but the mover of the motion neglected neglected neg nag to so state with tv the result that the house adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon Senate and house committees will leave tonight for tor Cedar City to make an Inspection of ot the Branch Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural tural college there A special sleeper has been provided for tor or the party Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Auto Auto- mobiles will meet 1 them at Lund and carry them over to Cedar City The party will arrive in Cedar about noon noonon noonon noonon on Sunday Monday will be devoted to an Inspection of ot the tho college and the return will win be made mado on Monday night the party arriving In Salt Lake at 6 30 on Tuesday morning The Indications I are that adjournment will t be made by byboth byboth byboth both houses until Tuesday |