Show LLOYDS LAYS 1000 TO 1 YOU DONT DON'T CATCH SMALLPOX If are inclined to you gamble on whether or not you yo will get the smallpox smallpox smallpox small small- pox you can get odds of 1000 to 1 1 provided provided pro provided pro pro- vided that you have been vaccinated within the past ten years If It you yoi have not been vaccinated you can get odds I of to 1 In other words your chances of getting smallpox are twice as great if you have not been I Lloyds of London will make malte the bet with you and you YOl can make it any amount you care to Lloyd will make you a bet on almo almost t any subject in the world from the date of the next rainstorm rainstorm rainstorm rain rain- storm in Timbuctoo to the chances of Salt Lake having a good left handed pitcher by the season of 1962 The l latest lat latest lat lat- test t- t est offering is 11 cents per in Insurance Insurance in insurance In- In against catching smallpox smallpox- not dying from H just catching it it- it provided you can produce evidence of vaccination in the past decade Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Other Other- wise they will lay you to 22 cents The insurance may be had individually individually or on the collective group plan according to P. P S. S W. W Ramsden agent for the company at the Judge Halloran-Judge Trust company compan |