Show IX1IMI tllAiaMIIHII 100111 t Jill IAll let Iarneer serener ttamel I l 0 looey Ton NW Vrrk Oct lTh Tribune ay Ot I ayHurprl and Inleieal hay In called ca-lled In ilptInK circle by the new that within the boat than days Kim thlrtynv Met rn1Iaged l In the Iran In AtlnIK Indo have Iran chartered by the llilllh onmnl for Mrlods l of theca month owl upwardtered An he hit chartered an n number hh > n lnii to th hili paaniier and freight line thou h the complete Hit Js not known at the omen of the line In this Ally as the transaction wen conducted l abroad Of the Cuiuird line boat the Aura nla ami lho H r la 1 ar tnngnllntlkind hen charlHMl and tare Mongolian anil three other tasla hale been rowel 1 from Iho Allen tine At the ogle of the vnutn line It wa Mid that vral other ships bad been begohn but their namoo are withheld hrl4Amlr their Moliawk and the America last lolncInK lo the Atlantic Tranppoit oompany haY liven chartered but oin rial of till romiiany aald tiny did not with 1e l charter any more The Whit Htor liner Nomadic has Ln chartered and It Is I Mid that other of the line Solve all Wn cngsal but this wag not positively conllnn nt horn h-orn The opinion was sxtr ael however how-ever that non of the larder I and fuller full-er VMI 1 would b taken by the llrll lh rovrnmnt IMIde the regular II nor and the tramp > l an hln Mlllng from this city which have iewen l rharlered a num her of vessels 1 Mlllng from other Amer limn port ha Wen inimgHl among thm four cunard boat In the lloelun and Liverpool entire Th w ore the lavonl the orllhl the eph Ionia od the Catalonia al ammere from Ih 1Ind line between Distort and Llretlawl and Iho Dominion and Warren line operating Imlwaen l She Mm pott II I elan mewled thai the Chicago and the rolumbln of Ute Wilson A I < urneaaIl n4 line llaalonlondun rJ t Mrvtee had Men conlnuted for but this could not he confirm Other boat are the Hritldi learner HI rah and Monteauma which aa far aa known are not attached to any particular line IrloM that hav lentldnn for the tOnus iamr It Is I aald range from i ihllllnga pence to ii hiding C tone n Ion a month according to the ihirrirr of ih > Mtoamnra ant lower i rate twine for cargo rarrltn 1 and the llghUr rate for the tnen er and wmlpeMenger veanU |