Show SALINA OhlorI 1 III fast 0141 to UI Hood 8114 Csijrao pedal Correipnndme Ballna Hevlr Co On 4 Juatlce Nvani court boo been hearing she ale ot Town of Itodmond vi I V peter nn of Rallnn Irlnr to Ur 1itriona removal ti Hnllna he Wai imlden if the Town of Kmlm n I and w Inmru mental In I hiving irpormted Inl I the town ordlnanrea a gulatloit pmhll Ing people living Within the t wn limit hating barbed wire solaced amund their clly toll When defendant moved lu I at rIo hi r dly lot In I lUdmond wllh n wlrv I fni around II In en deavorlng In eager oe the ordinance the town authorities wire milled hence th lull U go n jury trill and toad gull to-ad hi leo of 11 difendint SALINA CANUN IIOA1 T leglellllv ipiiroprUllon air Sun for repair on the road throiuh Hallnn canyon hi now ben rauidcd Anlrrw Nleieon of Monnie being 1 tin I genllemnn who had the work In charge X f i naiMble road had been nude hulh Vat Olllr 71 d11 Riclat it 1IrIt o n 4411 I net Amount o 11 twine reouln to make the = r r palri at Th point Thla i inail known as n knwn in III Inlelnen men I thin place The amount wan voon anti scrolled and men are view at work anti the road will Ile I ronallifted In a few days This move will Insure it large I traffic through The Canyon 10 ibis postal nrn |