Show IMI fll lit it IIIMIIK The UUnera I Are 1 IN n I llrwll lima and I teller llro Hewlett tlroa company carried ft all RoM inedall offered rh baklnx I Inr I eplcee and mistreats hit OuMr llra won eight tlild and two silver medal a number of diploma and several eaili prlaee for their exhibit of wollene 1 pio rnoW r u l capiurc1 nearly all the preml nine far boot and phase The award No far announced In thin deiNUtmeal are fleel exhibit of three pound a baklnc powder eplree 1 and eitrad Hewlett Alrons Company Items atMortimnl of rUnnl Cuttrr Hroa netIleat Heet aaeorlmenl of coeelmerea Out ler I flioa III Heel tfMpley < t draw cmlieCutler Into Beat Hi 1 pair while blanketeculler Ilro IlroBeit Beit dleplay colored liuMikMeCut ler lira I Heel I dlipiay nf Utah wooll l yarn Culler broe Beat I display anl quantity of machine knll hoelery from Utah yarn Culler 11 too Beat dlnlay of over and undershirts Culor firims Beet all eulta of clothe 1 of honw made nalerlalCulkT Hroa lraeet and beet display if home mod ilry 1fOOda1I11 Brom 111 display tot 1lum I Six material 1 > J Moran lint portable nIHorotl lima toot van iroeiidl It Jen Items dlanlay I if Knitted 1mmI g 01 I J F Hh rw Hl Ihai anl Ifiropot llIfty of Ion I mail buout still 010 quality qun Illy and manner of dlaplay In be con violated lloblnn n llroa frniriinv Beat pair 01 Hnr ehoea PIt 16 lnlOn lime eon pony nest pair lafflea tins ehoee 2 C M I Heat quality anl llaplay of common lenee tmota enl shoes men wear I rHome Home Illellty and llai lay of jrouth and oyl school PhoopZ < M I = qualitt mt bin n and shom mleaca and children a school wrarZ It Sol 1 I Heel quality and display at ladlca nnj PhonZ V M I Beet portable Engine anti botlerJ I Paw traction etA Heel iverlmeni ot slowing allk Pound t of Pull silk silk nova lace work Utah illk Mra II M Uounll tint ineclmen of lipped retention Mre M llall and Mra II M Uounalt t nee < lisp yarda of Utah aukHalt lake Silk Factory company lint fourteen yards brocaled Utah |